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Mitzvah Campaign Oraganized For the Refuah Shalaymah of Rachel Teresh

1452490_448620861913179_85156807_aOn October 26th, three-year-old Rachel Teresh from Brooklyn, NY, was prescribed the wrong medication by her doctor to treat an infection.A few days later, she was rushed to the hospital, and is fighting to stay alive against a deadly disease called Stevens Johnson Syndrome. It has burned most of her body from the inside out.

One cannot fathom what this little angel’s parents have been going through since this all began. When the doctors placed their daughter in an induced coma, during countless surgeries, while waiting for a miracle, the one thing they have been doing was praying.

Yesterday, her mother reached out to her extended family of Jewish brothers and sisters with a heartfelt plea:

“Please do as many mitzvos as you can for our daughter,” she asked. “Any form of charity to others, help someone else out. Being that today is Thursday, perhaps all the women out there could bake Challah in her merit.”A Facebook page was created to coordinate and share the mitzvos there are being done in the girl’s merit and honor.

The Hebrew name to keep in mind when doing your Mitzva is “Rachel Chaya Bas Rivkah.”

Unfortunately, most of us are numb to these types of everyday occurrences –may they never come upon us– but whatever you’re doing, try to imagine a little soul lying in a hospital bed Cornell Hospital.

Her parents begging, pleading with G-d to leave their daughter with them. An endless stream of tears soak up the hospital sheets.

If everyone reading this article could take on an extra mitzva, even if it’s just a one-time deal, in merit of arousing G-d’s mercy upon this little girl and her family, imagine the light we would see shine into her hospital room. With G-d’s help, this Shabbos, the doctors are planning on waking Rachel up from a two-week long induced coma to see how she responds. Please, do all that you can, and keep her in your thoughts and prayers.

Your Good deed for Rachel will certainly strengthen the family’s case in Heaven. G-d listens!


(YWN – Moshe Kravitsky)

5 Responses

  1. Smfg3 – I don’t believe this is an error by the doctor at all. It is written incorrectly in the article. Steven-Johnson’s is a reaction to a type of antibiotics. No one knows you will have such a reaction until it’s too late. Google it.
    As far as the little girl, I know the family and this is terrible!! Everyone should do what they can and I hope we hear good news very soon!

  2. Smfg3: you’re missing the point totally! First of all Drs. Who make mistakes don’t get arrested, they have malpractice insurance for that! The point now is to mispallel for this innocent child!! May she have a complete recovery immediately iyH!

  3. missserica says:
    November 17, 2013 at 5:08 pm

    this was copied from the facebook page. I did Google as you said and it seems you are correct. you do not get by mistake or error. It is like the first time one finds out they are allergic to peanuts or a bee bite

  4. You need to change the phrasing of this news report. My daughter also had Stephen Johnson Syndrome. It is not the doctors fault. It is no different than having an allergic reaction to penicillin and the doctor does not know ahead of time that such an allergy exists unless they test each child ahead of time for allergies to medicine.

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