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Meretz/Labor Opts for Opposition in Jerusalem Coalition

meretzIn a letter sent to Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat on Thursday, 11 Kislev 5774, the Meretz/Labor parties have announced they do not plan to enter into the newly forming coalition and at this stage, prefer to remain in opposition. The two parties ran on a combined ticket in the municipal elections.

Meretz was a member of the outgoing coalition and party leader Pepe Allalu held the eastern Jerusalem portfolio. However after the mayor included Aryeh King in his coalition the decision was made to remain in opposition.

King founded and heads the Israel Land Fund and remains an ardent activist working to liberate areas of the eastern capital from Arab occupation. Meretz and Labor find his hashkafa unacceptable.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. They traded Aryeh King of the Israel Land Fund whose slogan is “Every Jew deserves a stake in the land.” for Pepe Allalu whose slogan seems hold closely to the Palestinian Authority’s vision on the future of Jerusalem…

    voted against plan to build a park in King’s Garden (Al Bustan, in Arabic ) in the Silwan neighborhood of East Jerusalem,

    Voted again plan to demolish 22 illegal buildings belonging to Palestinians.

    He also opposed plans for building a military college in East Jerusalem as a provocation to resident Palestinians.

    His opinion on building over the green line including east jerusalem…
    “This is a terrible decision which is a provocation against the Palestinians, the Americans and the whole world who oppose continued settlement building.” he said with regards to Gilo.

    The Truth is Meretz and people like Pepe are important people who represent the opposition which by definition is what democracy is all about but that is obviously where they belong. The irony is if they had their way Democracy would be replaced with a Muslim Theocracy.

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