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Bill to Advance Women in Government Passes Preliminary Reading in Knesset

knessetIn another assault against chareidi parties in Knesset, the Israeli parliament on Wednesday, 10 Kislev 5774 passed a bill in its preliminary reading, a bill that compels the inclusion of women on a party list. The bill is sponsored by Yesh Atid MK Yifat Kariv and Hadash MK Hanin Zoabi. The bill compels a party to include a minimum of one woman for every three men on a party lineup. A party failing to comply will lose 15% of its election funding. Zoabi actually wanted the fine to be 30% but the bill was presented in its modified version.

The bill states that while women comprise 51% of the population, they do not enjoy proportionate representation in government.

Among those responding was MK Rav Moshe Gafne, who opposes the bill explained his party supported affirmative action for women in senior civil service positions because it thought they were being discriminated against. He warned the bill will result in significant damage. He feels that a woman will have to be included in order to prevent losing funding and not because she is suited for the position. Gafne feels the bill will harm the status of women and not advance it as is intended.

He feels the decision to encourage women to join government does not require a law, citing in 256 municipalities, only three women mayors were elected to office in the recent municipal elections. “It is sad the non-frum are hypocrites like you” he added.

Shas’ Nissim Ze’ev added the bill is an insult to women, using monetary fines to promote their advancement in politics. He added such a bill “is an affront to democracy”.

Ze’ev then addressed his remarks to Zoabi, who was unsuccessful in her bid in the Nazareth mayoral race saying “We weren’t you elected in Nazareth and at least we would be rid of you?”

He then directed his remarks to Yesh Atid, telling the party not to try to teach the chareidim mussar and attempts to dictate how they handle their party will not succeed.

Yesh Atid’s Dr. Aliza Lavi responded to the chareidi lawmakers. “A major reason that women have not succeeded is because they are blocked from doing so. We will work to advance this using the Knesset. It is unacceptable that the freedom of women is not expressed in the public sphere. Orthodox women are discriminated against because they do not sit in this house. You don’t represent them or worry about their rights”.

Gafne responded to Lavie: There is a great deal of hypocrisy here. A MK from Yesh Atid stands here, whose party leader is the minister of finance. It was your party that voted against the religious teachers in the Budgetary Arrangements Law and you dare to lecture me. If the Knesset walls had a neshama they would blush with shame. What crime did these kindergarten teachers commit? What did they do to you? Your battle for women’s rights did not help us because of your cold hearts”.

Lavie: You are already waging many battles. Let’s work together or the benefit of the teachers.

The bill passed in a 44-13 vote in addition to one abstention.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. In Orthodox Jewish tradition, there is something called “Tzenius’ for women.

    this means that women avoid putting their beauty on display to the public, for obvious reasons.

    Hareidi parties do not include women for that reason. It is an assault on the Tznius of their women, which is their crown of glory.

    Forcing Hareidim to put their women on display is an outrage, completly ignoring their religious feelings, in orde to promote seculat political correctness.

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