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Seret Viznits relocates and has a miracle

The Seret Viznits Chasidus had made a decision (on Monday) to relocate the Yeshiva to the city of Rechovot & the Seret Viznits Rebbe had gone to Telz Stone [which is near Yerushalayim]. Later on in the day a Katushya rocket caused damage to the Yeshiva building, and other rockets landed in the streets surrounding the Yeshiva Buildings.

One Response

  1. Thats not a miracle. Had they been there it would not have been hit.

    A miracle is: If they were in the building and a rocket is about to hit it and at the last second it turns and hits the field next door. Something that is not natural.

    If they were in the building it would have been very natural for a missile not to be aimed at that building. it’s possible that God only let a missile be aimed there because they were not there. That is not a mircale.

    Most things that Hashem does are not miracles. The first ani maamin says that God does everything. Yet not everything is a mircale. Only something that is “shelo b’derech hateva”.

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