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Mounting Pressure on Israel Police as Underworld Rocks Israel

mishtRarely does one find news pertaining to the underworld in Israel on YWN but recent events have brought this unwanted reality to the front pages of the news, now involving prominent rabbonim as well.

Over recent weeks there have been numerous car bombings in Ashkelon and elsewhere in Israel as well as the attempted murder in the form of a car bomb of a senior official in the Tel Aviv District State Prosecutor’s Office.

Police on motzei Shabbos announced the arrest of major southern area underworld boss Shalom Domrani, 38, who was taken into custody in his home in a moshav near Ashkelon. Also arrested were six of his top soldiers. There were many car explosions in Israel in recent weeks as well as numerous cases of bombs under vehicles, at homes and the workplace that were detected before detonation – all connected to stepped up underworld activities in Israel.

Regarding the arrest of Domrani, a major underworld figure in the southern district, the suspect is alleged to have threatened Rabbi Yaakov Effergan, known as “The Rentgan”. Domrani allegedly threatened the rav to compel him to support Mayor Yechiel Zohar in his bid for reelection in the recent municipal elections in Netivot. This occurred after the rabbi publically announced support for the opposing candidate. Domrani admits visiting with the rav but denies threatening him, telling police that while Rabbi Yoram Abarjil supported the incumbent, the Rentgan supported his opponent and the dispute was between the rabbonim, not having anything to do with him. “They asked me to intervene to lower the flames of dispute between the rabbonim and that is why I visited Rabbi Effergan” Domrani told police. He insists that the request for the visit came from Rav Effergan’s sister.

Rav Effergan and the Baba Baruch supported Eyal Mesika in the Netivot election while Rav Abarjil supported Yechiel Zohar. Domrani, according to police, is close to the latter, Rav Abarjil.

It is reported on Sunday, 7 Kislev 5774 that a “well known Mekubal from Netivot” has been arrested on suspicion of directing the underworld against Rav Effergan. In addition, this rav allegedly ordered a hit against a person very close to Rav Effergan, the media reports.

Speaking to Channel 2’s Meet the Press on motzei Shabbos the eve of 7 Kislev, Minister of Public Security Yitzchak Aharonovich explained he has asked the attorney general and other state officials to approve his request to classify the underworld as “terrorism”, which would then give his department additional tools to combat the alarming trend that continues to claim innocent lives. The minister stated that if the underworld is classified as terrorism, then he will be permitted to make preventative arrests, administrative detentions and other actions in the ongoing war against Israel’s underworld community.

Aharonovich added that the attempted murder of the senior Tel Aviv Prosecutor’s Office official was “The crossing of a red line” and the response must be an appropriate one.”

Police are under fire as citizens feel the department simply lost control, explaining that car bomb against the Tel Aviv prosecutor was proof the underworld is not afraid of police or the judicial system.

Mayor Yechiel Zohar released a statement, “I am shocked by the arrests. Netivot is a protected city. I understand this to be a matter connected to business owners in town, but those business owners know how to respond appropriately.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. The underworld has been used by many to further its actions. Finally, the terrorism is taken seriously. Thise underworld is a replica of MAFIA,,,they are hit men for the right amount of $$$.

  2. As long as crime, especially violent organized crime exists in any society no one in that society is safe.

    If all the people rose up with one voice and determination, organized crime could not exist.

    These thugs are powerful only because most others in society are either too afraid of them, which makes the few who do stand up to them, eady targets, and also because too many others are willing to aid and abet the criminals.

    For example: As long as there those willing to use the criminals to harrass political opponents, the criminals will have power and support.
    The same is true when people buy drugs or stolen ‘cheap’ merchandise from them.

  3. The real problem is the incompetence and malevolence of the police and the criminal justice system. The worst offenders are Aharonovich and Weinstein.

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