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A lost soul is not a lost cause.

Tzohar, an organization founded and guided under the auspices of the Belzer Rebbe Shlita is dedicated to kiruv kerovim. Through engaging seminars, mentorship, and one-on-one guidance, we work to bring back boys and girls who have lost their way and strayed from the path of Torah and mitzvos. 

But we believe a lost soul is not a lost cause. They may look lost. They may even be lost, grappling in their search for meaning amidst their pain. But there’s a spark inside that will never go out. A glowing ember, pulsing and alive, no matter how deeply it’s been buried. 

It is an undeniable fact: These children can be brought back. When a child is groping in the dark, they only need a ray of light to illuminate their way. Expertise, acceptance, and undiluted love have proven the ability to thaw the most frozen and hardened of hearts. 

We’ll never give up on a lost soul, because there will always be a way back.

Help us bring a child back. Click to contribute.

They’re regular boys and girls

Typically, we work with regular teenagers, from regular families, who are still in their adolescence and may still be clinging to their respective schools and yeshivos by a tiny thread. They have had difficult childhoods, and have grown up against a backdrop of dysfunction or distress. The challenges that each one has faced has blinded them from the beauty of their heritage.

As a father told us, “In what seems like just a few seconds, my son has virtually abandoned his old self- hat, suit, and all- and has emerged as something entirely different. I want my child back.”

Help us bring a child back. Click to contribute.

Our mission is to do our utmost for every Yiddishe neshama, to kindle the flickering spark within. 

Children are connected with individual mentors who continue to guide them and are there for them day or night.

We host seminars, which are conducted with care, warmth, and compassion. Amidst an environment of chizuk, song and tefillah, attendees listen to educational and inspiring speeches and get the opportunity to ask their questions in a public or private forum. Seminars conclude with a ma’amad kabbalos tovos, during which they take upon themselves a Mitzvah or Kabbalah to continue their Hischazkus in Shmiras HaMitzvos. Watch seminar highlights here.  Many teenagers don tzitzis or modest clothes right there, during the ma’amad. 

Sponsor a maamad kabbaols tovos l’zchus for yourself or a loved one.

Now, while we reach the pinnacle of Yom Kippur, there are bochurim and girls hitting rock bottom. They are crying out with pain, Pesach Lanu Shaar! Bring me home, take me back!Open up a window for our return! 

By supporting our outreach and guidance work, you are helping countless lost souls return to a life of Torah and meaning. Help bring back a child, and may the zechus stand by you and YOUR children on the Yom Hadin.

Please consider sponsoring a full seminar or underwriting a crisis-support mentorship for a wayward teen.Visit and donate generously.You can call in your donation through our automated phone system at:  718-298-3882

וְיִתֵּן לְךָ בָּנִים וּבָנוֹת צַדִּיקִים וְצַדִּיקוֹת עוֹסְקִים בַּתּוֹרָה וּמִצְוֹת כָּל יְמֵיהֶם.בברכת שנה טובה!

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