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The World is in Turmoil.


With Reb Chaim Bracha and Shmira

Youre Safe.

100% of the donors who recieved Rav Chaims Promise last year.

Made it safely through 5781.

Dont Be Left Behind.

Rebbetzin Kolodetzky will personally deliver your names to Reb Chaim Erev Rosh Hashana and Erev Yom.

There is nothing closer than a daughter pleading before her father.Grab the oppurtunity to have her bring your name to her father.

The Rebbetzins 26 year old niece took on her fathers debts to save him and  Yeshiva from collapsing.

Today,she is a hostage to Israeli loan sharks who are ripping apart her life.

She has no chance to live freely and get married.


Unless we have רחמים on her and set her free

Rav Chaim said to Reb Yitzchok Kolodetzky  in these very words: 

יהיה לו ישועות גדולות 

ויראו נחת מכל משפחתו

He will have significant ישועות

And have Nachas from His Entire משפחה

For Life ! 

For Health ! 

For Nachas ! 

For Parnassa !

For Children ! 

For Shidduchim !

יש לנו אב זקן.

We have a father,a rebbi, a tzaddik,who comes before Hashem and pleads our case.

He is asking you one simple Request

One act of רחמים.

Save the Rebbetzins 26 year old Niece.

You heard and saw yourself.

Your ישועה for תשפ”ב is moments away.

Just Click

Donate $391

The Rebbetzin promised to personally deliver your name to Reb Chaim Erev Rosh Hashana !

the only “video” verified הבטחה from Reb Chaim Kanievski שליט”א

 ערב ראש השנה תשפ”ב

By both Harav Yitzchok and Rebbetzin Leah  Kolodetzky.

Payable in 12 payments For 33 dollars a Month for 12 months.

Walk into תשפב with Reb Chaims rare  ברכה.

Dont Miss it


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