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I can write a list just as long on what are “acceptable aveiros” in the yeshiva world, aveiros that are even considered mitzvos. Feminism is wrong, but what they have done to women in the charedi world, is wrong too. In chassidishe communities even names of women are not allowed to be mentioned. And no one protests that. They have books for children with no mothers and girls walking the street. What a terrible chillul hashem that brings countless people away from Judaism. It is important to be balanced, and this balance looks different at different times. I went through BY, and 2 years of seminary, and I was shocked as I grew older to find out all things they ommited from our education to keep us simple minded, and obedient. The charedi world is far from traditional or original Judaism. And the mote extreme they get, the more they push jewish people to give up on tznius, and all Torah values.