Reply To: Jewish Comedy

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Syag: A bit off-topic but you might want to try the Gluten-free burger rolls sold under the Udi’s brand name. They are available at Whole Foods, Target and other markets and I suspect online as well. The hashgacha is from the Scroll K (Denver Co. Vaad). They actually taste quite good for GF product but probably not as good as your home-made alternative. I’ve also become a Beyond Beef addict for cholesterol reasons (I’m not thrilled about the sodium and fat content) but still sneak in a real beef (ground bison) burger every few weeks.
As for Jackie Mason, I lost all interest in his “humor” when he veered off the deep end with his support for Kahane and evicting all Palestinians. “Politically incorrect” monologues can sometimes retain some humor but each of us has a line where it becomes painful and offensive when targeted at minorities, disabled etc.