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Eval – I’ve lived in eretz yisroel; it’s wonderful, full of Torah in the right parts.

Then the government tries to come and wipe all of that out. They already succeeded in erasing Torah from sefardim by and large, but they won’t be happy until there isn’t any more torah. Infanticide, toeva parades, antisemitic media with Nazi-esque caricatures of charedim, massive chilul shabbos, an army full of znus….how is that not galus? If i walk in Lakewood, i feel pretty much the same as i did in eretz yisroel, because Torah is the portable home of klal yisroel. We want geulah not for the physical return to eretz yisroel, but a return to vesechezenah einainu beshuvcho letzion, to see Hashem returning his schinah to us, to serve him with the mitzvos that we cannot do at this time, for the whole world to finally see kovod shomayim and romemus yisroel… that is geulah.

Bemhayroh veyameinu amen

Even for you, wasn’t gush katif and pulling out of gaza enough of a reason to see that you’re just as much in galus there as you are anywhere else?