Reply To: Universal Health care, Obamacare, Managed Care

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Universal healthcare (really universal health insurance) was the announced policy of the Heritage Foundation in 1993 in response to “Hillarycare.”

Without hyperbole, why are you against it?

In countries with universal healthcare, it is unheard of for a person to go bankrupt because of illness. 60% of bankruptcies in the US are because of health care costs. And who bears the burden of the loss? The rest of the country.

Israel is a great example (you love Israel, right?). Every single citizen automatically has some minimal health insurance and, thereby, healthcare. Is it perfect? Of course not. Are there some delays? Sometimes. But for a middle class person, this is not a problem because supplemental insurance is cheap enough.

Are England, France, Israel, Canada, Denmark, the Netherlands, Finland, Sweden, Norway bastions of radical communism? Not by any rational measure. Are their taxes higher… sure. But put their higher taxes against the cost of private insurance premiums and the increased taxes come out lower because of distribution of risk.

Countries with universal healthcare and some form of socialized medicine have longer life expectancy, higher quality of life, lower instances of chronic illness, lower fatal and maternal mortality (pro-life, good Christians!), and fewer bankruptcies than the US.

Reality-based decisions. Evidence-based decisions. These WERE Republican principles. The US is bigger than England, France, and Israel, and creates different challenges because of its size. But there is no reason we can’t have an American form of universal healthcare.

Rant and rave with your ideology right to the grave (after 120 years).