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Rebitzen Chana Rokeach A”H, The Alter Belzer Rebitzen

candle914Rebitzen Chana Rokeach, the wife of Rav Aaron of Belz, was Niftar on Shabbos in Bnei Brak’s Mayanei HaYeshua Hospital at the age of 98. Her petira comes following prolonged hospitalization. Over recent weeks her condition took a significant turn for the worse.

The nifteres was the mother of the Rebbe of Beregzasz ZT”L and daughter of the Makova Rebbe, Rav Yechiel Chaim Lavin. After the loss of her husband during the war, Rav Yosef Meir Pollack, she married the Belzer Rebbe in 1949. She arrived in Eretz Yisrael in Iyar תש”ז, on the same boat as the Makor Baruch of Seret-Vishnitz ZT”L. She headed for Yerushalayim, to live with her father who had already arrived in Israel. The rebitzen was a resident of Aggripas Street in the capital, down the block from the Shuk, adjacent to the Belzer Yeshiva. After the Rebbe Shlita moved to Kiryat Belz, she too relocated, to Bnei Brak.

The rebbe and rebitzen never had children of their own but it is said the rebbe also viewed the children from the rebitzen’s first marriage as his own.

The levaya began on motzei Shabbos Toldos 5774 from her home on Meltzer Street, passing the main Belze Beis Medrash and kvura was in Har Menuchos, near the tziyun of Rav Aaron of Belz. Thousands took part in the levaya. The stretcher used to carry the nifteres was the very same used to carry Rav Aaron. Following the levaya of the Belzer Rebbe she purchased it and kept it in her son’s home.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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