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RCP Lashes Out at Right-Wing for Serving as a Fig Leave, Covering for Government

papThe Rabbinical Congress for Peace (RCP) on Thursday morning, 27 Cheshvan 5774 sent out an urgent letter to all ministers in the Netanyahu government admonishing them for approving the release of terrorists and arch-murderers. The RCP especially condemned those so-called right-wing ministers who tried to clear their conscience by voting against the release, a protest on paper alone.

The RCP letter stated that “Those ministers from the Bayit Hayehudi and Yisrael Beitenu parties as well as other ministers who warn against the release of terrorists but remain in the government are actually sending a message to the coalition members that they are prepared to serve as a right-wing fig leaf to cover up for all further dangerous and absurd concessions to follow.

“What is worth all their verbal opposition when they remain in a government that knowingly abandons Israel security and with its bare hands are precipitating the next terrorist attack and murder of Jews G-d forbid!?” asked Rabbi Joseph Gerlitzky, Chairman of the RCP.

Rabbi Gerlitzky said the Israeli government is breaking a new record in the humiliation of the Jewish people and encouragement of Israel’s enemies to weaken and harm Israel even more than before.

Rabbi Sholom Gold, a prominent mora d’asra in Har Nof, Jerusalem and a leading member of the RCP, denounced the ministers saying that according to Jewish Law “any minister who does not condition his participation in the coalition on an immediate halt to the negotiations with the Palestinians and release of terrorists carries full ministerial responsibility for all terrorist attacks against Jews G-d forbid that will follow. We now see that the release of these arch-murderers serves as a tailwind for the terrorists to increase their terrorist activity.

Rabbi Avrohom Shmuel Lewin, Executive Director of the RCP, announced that he has appealed to all members of the RCP to arouse their congregations to protest Israel’s despicable actions. “The Netanyahu government is rolling down a very dangerous slope that will make matters worse than the Oslo disaster,” Rabbi Lewin said. “We rabbis, unlike the right-wing ministers, will not remain silent nor rest and will do everything we can to save and preserve Israel’s security and integrity even if it harms our status and job,” he said.

The RCP reiterated its call to the Israeli government to impose the Jewish Law in Orach Chaim Chapter 329 which warns against any withdrawal from an area that will endanger the security and safety of Israel.


From right to left: Rabbi Sholom Gold, Rabbi Moshe Havlin (Chief Rabbi of Kiryat Gat) and Rabbi Joseph Gerlitzky

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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