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Felder: Expect Major Poll Site Changes On Election Day

voteSenator Simcha Felder (D-Brooklyn) is informing residents of the 17th Senate District about new polling site locations just announced by the Board of Elections for the upcoming November 5th general election.

“This is just another example of the chaos and dysfunction that has become synonymous with the New York City Board of Elections,” said Senator Felder.
“For seemingly no rhyme or reason, BOE has yet again succeeded in causing disruption and potential disenfranchisement for New York City’s voters.”

To find out if your polling site is impacted, please call Senator Felder’s office at 718-253-2015, e-mail [email protected], or click HERE.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

One Response

  1. “This is just another example of the chaos and dysfunction that has become synonymous with the New York City Board of Elections,” said Senator Felder.

    What about the chaos of NYS Senators playing Doctor & advocating for the NY. Health Department. Thats right, Chaos Politicians giving out “Free” Flu Shots at some senior center next month. Nothing is Free! We all get taxed to cover all this free nonsense. Why isn’t Dr. Simcha Felder not busy with more important issues. The Government is too busy interfering in our Religious lives. Bugg off!

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