Reply To: Scooter Explosion

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🍫Syag Lchochma

I think some people just feel this pull to criticize anything they see a “group of yeshiva boys” doing. The idea that riding their scooter to work implies they don’t play sports or walk at other times of the day is ridiculous. Do you walk to work? Do you sit on a chair at work when you could be using that to to jog in place at your desk? Do you shop in a supermarket instead of planting and picking fresh veggies from your yard? Do you make phone calls instead of walking over to the other persons’ home or office and having a face to face conversation to keep your eye contact and non verbal social skills in tip top shape?

These guys have found a way to save their parents the expansive headache and torture of carpool – which probably earns them palace like accomodations in olam hemes after 120 and won’t be stolen by the local thugs from the bike rack outside of yeshiva.

Can we just stretch ourselves and either find something nice to say about a “group of yeshiva boys”, or work really hard to figure out why we don’t.