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Prividence, RI: Students Shout Down NYPD Commissioner Kelly, City’s Top Cop Cancels Lecture

kelNew York City Police Commissioner Ray Kelly has been shouted down by protesters during a talk at Brown University, and his planned lecture called “Proactive Policing in America’s Biggest City” was canceled.

More than 100 students and social justice activists protested Tuesday lecture because of the department’s stop-and-frisk policy and its surveillance of Muslims.

Many protesters began shouting as the lecture began. Brown officials asked protesters to reserve their comments until a question-and-answer session with Kelly. When the shouting continued, the hall was cleared.

A federal judge recently ruled the department’s stop-and-frisk policy violated the civil rights of minorities. The city is appealing the decision.

Brown spokeswoman Marisa Quinn says the Ivy League school has a tradition of open dialogue on difficult subjects. She calls the lecture’s cancellation “unfortunate.”


7 Responses

  1. As one whose entire family has had a long relationship with Brown, I am appalled at today’s students unwilling to listen to the ideas of others, and then criticize them on an intellectual basis. My grandfather went to Brown. My father went to Brown. My siblings went to Brown. This “bullying” by “more than 100 students and social justice advocates” should never have been allowed. I can only hope that very few of these were actually Brown students. This incident probably cost Brown some money, and I will hesitate before making this year’s donation, when I think about Brown students causing the money to be lost.

  2. This is a sickness spreading throughout the country. It started at the top with government people referring to others they don’t approve of with very nasty comments. Example Harry Reid with some of the terms he reserved for Republicans. He wasn’t the only one whose choice of words were vile.

  3. Why? Im real impressed!
    They werent afraid to speak thier minds.
    Maybe if we would start speaking up in general, we wouldnt be bullied around so mush by our Government. We are living in a Police State & it’s just getting.out of hand. Get informed & Speak up when necessary!

  4. This is supposed to be an “ivy league” college?? These people don’t even have the faintest of common courtesy! There is nothing “elite” about this place! I wouldn’t give them a penny! Let them start to teach their students some manners.

  5. This type of unruly behavior is at least tacitly approved by the lib elites at brown. If they wanted they couldve had security escort out those interupting kelly.
    And #1 i’d give my money to homeless, drug addicted bums on the street before I gave to brown. At least the bums for the most part only damage themselves while brown is poisoning the minds of thousands each year with their liberal blather.

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