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WATCH: Biden To Tlaib: “I’ll Do Everything I Can To Ensure Your Family Is Safe”

US President Joe Biden landed in Detroit on Tuesday to visit Ford’s Rouge Electric Vehicle Center in nearby Dearborn and was received on the tarmac by Rep. Rashida Tlaib and Rep. Debbie Dingel. Tlaib and Biden spoke for several minutes on the tarmac.

According to her aide, Tlaib told Biden: “The U.S. cannot continue to give the right-wing [Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu government billions each year to commit crimes against Palestinians. Atrocities like bombing schools cannot be tolerated, much less conducted with U.S.-supplied weapons.”

“Congresswoman Tlaib reiterated that the status quo is enabling more killing, that the current U.S. approach of unconditional support for the Israeli government is not working, and that the White House must do far more to protect Palestinian lives, dignity, and human rights,” the aide said.

During Biden’s visit to the Ford protest, a protest in support of Palestinians was held nearby, with protestors waving Palestinian flags and anti-Israel placards.

Protesters supporting Palestinians walk down Michigan Avenue in Dearborn Tuesday, as President Biden visits a Ford electric vehicle center nearby.
(Carlos Osorio/AP)

Later, while speaking at an event in Dearborn, which is 47% Arab-American, Biden praised Tlaib and promised to do anything he can to ensure her family members in the Palestinian Authority remain safe.

“I admire your intellect, I admire your passion and I admire your concern for so many other people,” Biden told Tlaib.

“From my heart, I pray that your grandmom and family are well. I promise you that I’ll do everything to see that they are – on the West Bank. You’re a fighter and G-d thank you for being a fighter.”

It must be said that Biden has consistently defended Israel’s right to defend itself and has refrained from condemning the airstrikes in Gaza. The Biden administration has also blocked a United Nations Security Council vote to demand a cease-fire between Israel and Hamas three times in the past week.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

10 Responses

  1. If she doesn’t feel that her grandmother is safe where she is from the Israeli government then have her leave – maybe to Iraq or Syria. She’s probably a lot safer where she is from Israelis than if a Jew would live in some arts of the Shomron,the eastern part of Jerusalem or Dearborn today.

  2. She should be indicted for bring affiliated with Islamic Terror but the democrats let her be a big voice in congress. She IS the voice of the current day mainstream Dem.

  3. @lakewhut: Not worth the distraction and commotion it would cause, especially considering that she couldn’t care less about her Grandma’s safety. Biden is probably way more worried than she is.

  4. Who is safer, PLO members in Judea, or her voters in Talib’s neglected region – Michigan? I have a guess.

  5. Remember when RT made a big deal about going to visit her grandmother and the Israeli government was in a big tumult about whether to let her in and then in the end she did not even go. She could not care less about grandma.

  6. Lakewhut, “being affiliated with Islamic Terror” is not a crime. She can’t be indicted for that. If you’re aware of evidence that she has given material support to a designated foreign terrorist organization, please forward it to the FBI.

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