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Tuesday Afternoon/Evening News Briefs from Eretz Yisrael


Tel Aviv Mayor Ron Huldai reports the African nationals in his city now represent 15% of the total population of Tel Aviv/Yaffo.


Hatzalah Yosh: A bus traveling in Gush Etzion near el-Aroub was targetd by Arabs hurling rocks. No injuries.


Arabs pelted firefighters with rocks as they tried to control a large garbage fire near the village of Anata. Border police responded and restored order. B”H there were no injuries reported.


Hatzalah Yosh: An ambulance traveling between Kiryat Arba and Hebron was targeted by Arabs hurling rocks. No injuries.


Two females were injured, moderate and light when their ATV flipped over in Eilat. Magen David Adom personnel treated them and transported them to Yosef-Tal Hospital in the city.


Tatzpit: Arabs blocked the road between Hebron and Kiryat Arab with rocks. B’chasdei Hashem no injuries were reported.


An Iron Dome battery was deployed in the Netivot area of southern Israel as the IDF prepares for a possible resumption of rocket fire from Gaza. Officials attribute this to the escalating conflict between terrorist factions in Gaza.


Hatzalah Yosh: Rock-throwing attacks at Israeli vehicles in the area of Doar Junction in Shomron. B”H no injuries were reported.


Hatzalah Yosh: Israeli motorists were targeted in rock-throwing attacks near N’vei Tzuf in Shomron. No injuries were reported.


The Almagor terror victims’ organization petitioned the Supreme Court in an effort to block the release of 26 Arab terrorists from Israeli prisons.

17:02: As they await the release of 26 terrorist tonight, Arabs in Gush Etzion targeted many vehicles between Beit Omar and Karmei Tzur. A number of people were lightly injured from glass shards in the rock-throwing attacks.


Regarding the imminent release of 26 Arab prisoners by Israel, Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon stated “we have responsibilities as a government.”


A second Iron Dome was deployed in Ashkelon.


Ichud Hatzalah: An 8-year-old boy was struck by a vehicle on Kismah Street in Beit Shemesh. MDA paramedics treated the child, who was listed in moderate condition when transported to the trauma unit of Jerusalem’s Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital.


Hatzalah Yosh: Rock-throwing attacks between Migdalim and Tapuach in Shomron. No injuries reported.


Ichud Hatzalah: A motorcycle driver was struck by a vehicle on Chazon Ish Street in Bnei Brak. The car fled the scene. Hatzalah Gush Dan and MDA treated the victim who sustained numerous fractures.


Five terrorists slated for release to Gaza have been transported to Erez Checkpoint where they wait to cross into the Hamas controlled area.


The Golan Telecom cellular provider announced it has reached 350,006 subscribers. The carrier’s target is 375,000 subscribers by year’s end to meet the Ministry of Communications’ threshold conditions for reimbursement of part of the guarantee it deposited in the mobile carrier tender.


A bus traveling in Gush Etzion was targeted in a firebomb attack. B’chasdei Hashem there are no injuries being reported.


Dozens of Israelis are protesting outside Ofir Prison ahead of tonight’s release of Arab terrorists in another good-will gesture to the PA (Palestinian Authority).


Israel Police’s Lahav 443 investigation’s unit is launching a probe into alleged election fraud in the Beit Shemesh municipal election.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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