Reply To: not admitting someone else is right

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woah you don’t remember that you stated my question was non sensible and didn’t make sense and then you have the chutzpah to say I lost track of this thread.

I know you kept on preaching to me . I was completely aware. I was, for the most part not commenting on it, save to point out that most or all possibilities why someone wouldn’t respond I stated myself already. I didn’t think any of them would apply in this case and I therefore stated my subsequent suspicions.

what I have been addressing is something wrong that you said which you refuse to maturely discuss because “it’s not the point” of your sermon and you’d rather I pay attention to all the reasons someone might not respond (iow, my op) and how immature it is to start a thread about this. I understand your frustration that I’m not gobbling up your musar and begging you to become my mashgiach, but please don’t lie about something you repeatedly said just because it’s “not the point”, don’t accuse me of losing track of the conversation because I ignored your fiery speech, and please please please keep track of what you said.

I’m not going to respond to my not answering your question since I trust even you, with an ounce of effort, could figure out how you’re doing. if you’re unwilling to put in the effort, even a r’ preida like myself is excused.
