Hodu Lashem key tov

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    BH i was comparing last year to this, last year everyone was a scared to go next to each other, wore masks, davened outside or at home, no chol hamed trips, no erev peasch matza baking minhag.
    Hodu Lashem life has returned to normal this peasch

    ☕️coffee addict

    Mostly normal,

    There are shuls that still have a mask policy, and there are venues that aren’t opened yet

    But it is a big improvement from last year

    IYH next year will be a big improvement over this year in that we will bring קרבנות with the בית המקדש and משיח במהרה בימינו


    @Coffee addict, some have a mask policy some dont, in the vast majority of the frum community life has returned to a normal pre covid peasch, retail was busy, communal chometz burning, erev peasch matza baking, Chol Hamoed venues in full swing, hodu lashem

    Sam Klein

    Learn the powerful secret to be thankful to Hashem for everything. In as little as 1 hour.

    Take anything away from yourself at a time when you need it-from your car or cell phone in middle of the busy work day or close your eyes for just 1 hour-and open it up or start using your phone an hour later. Your thanks to Hashem will be unlimited and you will not stop seeing the amazing beauty of each product that Hashem has created…..

    Try it out and see how it changes you into a completely new person


    Thanking Hashem for being saved from sakanah – great
    Thanking Hashem by ignoring the existing sakanah – bizayon and Hillul Hashem

    When it is a mixed bag – is it a hetzi-full or a hetzi-empty kos bracha?

    as this is a safek – I advise you to say hetzi-hallel bli bracha

    frankly, it is more half-matza, half-hametz


    @AAQ, there was someone who was a guest in Antwerp for shabbos and did not know back then there was a unwritten rule in the community not to wear a tallis when walking from home to shul on shabbos, As he walked to shul wearing his tallis unaware of the rule a car pulled up besides him and a bareheaded man rolled down the window and yelled, yingerman chillul hashem.
    Now who was making the chillul hashem the guy being mechallal shabbos or the guy wearing the tallis?

    Reb Eliezer

    Thanking Hashem is the key to life.


    Does anyone have any thanking Hashem stories to share?



    Reb Eliezer

    My Yetzias Mitzraim is leaving Sopron, Hungary at the 1956 revolution 64 years ago being 9 years old. All religious Jews escaped. so there was no way to go yeshivas and practice orthodox jewish religion. After 2 1/2 years we arrived to New York and was able to attend Yeshivas being educated in the Torah and the Talmud. I thank daily Hashem Yisborach for this opportunity.


    RebE, a gut vort. I think people who can recall arriving to free world appreciate what they got more than those who are born with it. Maybe Pesach is an opportunity to re-experience this and to try to pass to next generation. Seder often looks like an easy thing to do – we have a book, list of questions, matzah to point to … but if the ultimate goal is to fully pass to the next generation the feelings of gratitude and freedom, then we understand that this is a HUGE task, and all the tricks in the Seder and Hagada are helping us to move in this direction. We need all of them …

    This is not limited to Jews who appreciate ability to ledan, but seems to be universal in the current age of migration. Most immigrant terrorists in Europe, for example, are 2nd generation. first generation appreciates the host country, but fails to pass the feeling to the next. Maybe we should invite them to the seder (now a cousin, after the 6th son)


    @Reb E, ah a otvenhater, my mother in law is one as well


    Last year we had jokes like the last one to die, please turn off the lights, now it’s more like the last one wearing a mask, don’t leave your house just yet – some of us are still alive. Try next year.


    >> don’t leave your house just yet – some of us are still alive.

    that’s what letzanim hador were telling Noah


    This is not really Hodu Lashem because it didnt happen to me its more yigadlicha l’bincha, this is what I told my grandchildren by the seder.
    My wife grandmother zol ze lebben biz 120 was in Auschwitz and was assigned latrine work till she collapsed, so I told them that everytime I say hallel and say miki may ufer dol may ashbos yorim evyon, I think of her and how she rebuilt her life.
    I also told them that when I say lomous key yechah vasapar masy kah, I told them about the two times she was saved during the death march.

    Reb Eliezer

    The Chasan Sofer on היו מספרים ביציאת מצרים כל אותו נלילה they lit (like saphire) up the night, galus. We should speak at the seder night about the miracles which happened to us personally.

    Reb Eliezer

    My mother was also in Aushwitz, 32 years old, was sent by Mengele to the right side whereas her sister (my fathers first wife) and two daughters were sent to the left. My mother, not knowing, got out twice of the line and went after them to the left. Twice a german soldier pushed her back to the right. She was put to work for I.G. Farben to fill granades. The sister and children were killed. She was freed by the Russians.


    >> don’t leave your house just yet – some of us are still alive.
    I found it pretty funny


    commonsaychel, i beg to differ, life is always never-normal for one with severe varicose combined with neuropathy combined with spinal OA & scoliosis & CRPS & so much more which the unhealthcare system never fixes, but rather “mutcha’s” and even worsens. That’s aside from their decades-long suppression of genuine modalities.


    @ywnjudy, git vuch, at the risk of sounding crass, we have to deal with whatever Hashem gives us, I am not going to join your pity party, I have a son with special needs, a wife who had two bouts of cancer and a brain tumor and an older single, I am not loooking for pity
    I deal with the cards that Hashem gave me

    Sam Klein

    Common Saychel
    Count your blessings

    People are crying to Hashem for children no matter what the condition they are…. People are crying to Hashem for their shidduch zivvug to be sent to them already. Boruch Hashem your married with a family of children to praise Hashem and be thankful for them forever no matter what their conditions are.

    May Hashem help you start to count your blessings immediately and see all the amazing things Hashem has blessed you with and continues to give you more.


    @sam Klein, exactly my point, I am not the one who is the one who is moaning life stinks, it was the prior poster

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