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Again Health, we are all ignorant and have no basic education. We weren’t all fortunate enough to be “experts” in the medical field such as you. As I said, you are the type who listens to doctors blindly and takes all the pills thrown at you even when it doesn’t make sense.

Since you are so knowledgeable, why don’t you explain to us how there will be a rise in covid cases at this point where so many people have either natural immunity or have been vaccinated?

And also if you have been vaccinated why are you worried about catching it from anyone else? The vaccine is there to prevent you from getting sick!
And for your information natural immunity has so far been holding up for a year contrary to the 3 month time period which they try to trick you into believing so that everyone takes the vaccine!
Why would someone who has antibodies need a vaccine? Oh cause they can spread a stronger virus to others? What total nonsense they have an excuse for everything just to push their agenda and scare people. They have no proof yet that natural antibodies can carry and transmit, let alone a stronger virus than the vaccinated virus, and they have no proof that vaccinated people CANNOT carry and transmit the virus. In fact they said they probably can transmit “that’s why the want everyone vaccinated” or course. They also don’t have any proof of how bad someone can get the virus while vaccinated since it’s early to determine. But I guess when the facts don’t make sense we can go by them since they fit the agenda but any facts on the contrary are disqualified because they go against the plan for the greater good.

Again so many people who are not against vaccines in general but simply do not want this UNTESTED vaccine! Even many elderly don’t trust it no matter how much of a risk category they are in.

Stop forcing people to do what you want. You want to take it go ahead but leave it at that! We already have to wear USELESS face masks everywhere due to your stupidity and all those who think like you that they have an obligation to control what others do.

There is a virus and it’s a horrible thing that they unleashed into the world, most people recover even from bad cases. All that surrounds this virus is even more horrible than the virus itself. You have no idea how much mental harm this has been causing people, and how many people died from not being treated for other diseases.

If they really cared they would require everyone to use masks that actually protect against virus and not the 1 cent surgical masks which do nothing but protect against bacteria droplets which are used for surgery not for virus which is 4 times smaller than the holes in the mask!

Also I would like you to explain the science behind the virus not spreading when you eat at a restaurant without a mask. Does the virus have mercy when you eat? This is proof that these precautions are a joke! If they really had science behind all this and took precaution they wouldn’t even allow anyone to eat outside since once you take off your mask the virus can spread! How ignorant can you be to know all this and still believe they are going by science?

None of these rules make any sense or any impact to stopping the spread. Health you are probably one of those who jumped to wear 2 masks once you heard their “recommendation”. Anyone who can’t see through this is just plain stupid I’m sorry.
The cure cannot be worse than the virus itself! It’s been costing more lives and ruining families for something that 99 percent of people recover from. Why don’t you check how many people died from the flu or other causes this year alone? Just because they don’t report on that doesn’t mean it ain’t there. Life has to continue. Those who need extra precautions can take them. And if you take the vaccine good for you. But do not try to force someone else to do something against their own will and judgement.