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Photos: WARNING From Boro Park Shomrim Following Arrest Of Car Service Driver

YWN-BSSP Car Sevice Arrest-017.jpg(Click HERE for photos) 8:15PM EST: A frightening ordeal for a 17-year-old girl came to a screeching halt just moments ago – thanks to the brave men of Boro Park Shomrim.

A spokesperson for BSSP tells YWN, that a Frum girl called a local car service to drive her from Williamsburg to Boro Park. Somewhere along the way, the African-American driver began touching her inappropriately. The frightened girl used her cell phone and called Boro Park Shomrim – where they waited for the man on 14th Avenue & 50th Street.

The girl exited the vehicle, and upon seeing the Shomrim members, the man fled the scene.

Shomrim units canvassed the area, and found the vehicle on Ocean Parkway and 18th Avenue – where the man was apprehended until the NYPD arrived and placed him under arrest.

Unfortunately, this is not the first incident of its kind. In April of 2007, YWN posted a similar story (HERE) titled “Boro Park Shomrim: Car Service Warning”.

Shomrim is warning everyone once again:

*If you must use a car service, don’t just pick one out of the phone book; ask around and only use one – preferably heimish – which people you trust have used and have had a good experience with.

*Always be cautious.

*If it can possibly be avoided, DO NOT ALLOW UNESCORTED CHILDREN to ride in cabs by themselves – an adult should go with them.

*Women should also be wary about riding alone.

Any incidents involving car service drivers which you feel Shomrim should know about, should be IMMEDIATELY reported to Shomrim via the 24-hour Emergency Hotline number, 718-871-6666.

(Dov Gordon – YWN / YW-23 / YW-74 / Photos taken by Hillel Engel)

48 Responses

  1. scary. These goyishe car service companies should be banned!
    There are always stories with them, Hashem yeracheim.

  2. no girl should ever be sitting in the front seat. whenever i take cabs i only sit in the back. (especially if you’re alone)
    im not saying that these things cant happen if youre in the back, but you shld take precautions..

  3. The moral of the story is (or one of them, anyway): ALL WOMEN SHOULD BE PERMITTED TO LEARN TO DRIVE and not be reliant on car service drivers! How is that more tzniusdik than turning a steering wheel???

  4. Some car service drivers ask you to sit in the front seat. They claim, since they are illegally operating they’re less likely to get caught that way. Women and girls, don’t be hesitant to say “No”.
    I hope he gets what he deserves.

  5. She was a teenager, yes, but her mother couldn’t drive her. And many states allow 17 year olds to drive.

    The point is, if we are trying to minimize contact between men and women “altz” tznius, then avoiding car services and women driving themselves should logically follow.


  7. this was the most disturbing act of vigilante, mob hysteria that i have seen since moving to brooklyn. since when is it acceptable for a group of 20+ supposedly grown man ascending wrecklessly in tinted suv’s and minivans down one way streets, ramming and smashing into another’s car.
    since when has it become lawful for a horde men to then chase down and beat a black man on the street.
    i am disgusted and disturbed by what i saw unfold before me tonight.
    this is not lawful.
    you are not brave.
    and you should definitely not be proud.

  8. If a woman feels suspicous of the driver, even after he comes to the house for pick-up she should find ANY excuse NOT to go at all!! Better to look a little foolish than CHAS VESHOLOM alot of mezol nisht vissen vos. This goes for everything. Even walking the streets etc. Vehashem Yazor.

  9. lets all thank bssp and of course how can we forget boro park shomrim unit B-92 that did such a great job.

    BSSP keep up the good work!!!!!!!

  10. TO #1, sammygol,I JUST WANT YOU TO KNOW, if she had the guts to call shomrim while she was in this LOW-LIFE,s car, then you could be sure that she will go ahead and press charges!!! but yes like you say i agree with you 100%percent, and yes, just like you say, JUST MAKE SURE THAT SHE PRESSES CHARGES.!!! becouse is she does not the entire CASE will get DROPPED, and this LOW-LIFE will go FREE, which no body in the jewish community WANTS!!!

  11. Let’s face it its just as bad to go into a chasidishe car service, I’d personally feel more secure with a non jewish taxi

  12. to #12 disgusted:
    would you rather the driver be free to drive from the scene and chas veshalom do this to another girl or woman?
    Be thankful that this story ended the way it did and not chas veshalom worse!
    KOL YISRAEL AREIVIM ZEH LAZEH…you should have some feeling for this girl as if she is your sister.
    Be thankful that we have a great organization as shomrim who are here to protect us with Hashems help! Don’t look for the bad in klal yisrael! the guy should get what he deserves!
    May Hshem protect you and all of us in klal yisrael forever!

  13. To #12 i am a little surprised at your comment. If this happened to your child you wouldnt want shomrim to do any less. I think that Shomrim are amazing selfless people that drop what they are doing and run to help their fellow yidden. I am pretty impressed with this girl for having the guts to calmly call Shomrim instead of openly panicking.

  14. to the fools who posted comments about letting girls drive- who says that it in not simply an issue of not driving because you cant find parking where did you come up with this shtus that they were not driving due to being prohibited from doing so? would you please ban fools from posting

  15. #3 – don’t know about other places, but in Williamsburg for example, the spanish ones are really crazy, like “New Brooklyn” car service.
    Not only in this respect but in general they give horrible service.
    so be on the safe side & just stick to the ‘heimishe’.

  16. Terrible. Good for the girl. B”H she’s ok.

    Just curious, what happens if it was a rebbe and not a cab driver? Why don’t we have the same policy?

  17. #12 – You live in the Jungle of New York. . . The fact of the matter is that the Shomrim reacted well and apprehended the man until the police arrived.
    Also the young lady reacted admirably by calling for help and getting out of the car. Would the scene have been any different if it had been two or three squad cars from NYPD in uniform stopping him? Welcome to reality in this day and age. The amount of force to stop him until legal apprehension was proper as there was no follow up of him being taken to the hospital for wounds incurred. IF you are really disgusted by what you saw, come to Jerusalem where we live and see first hand what REAL violence can be like. I am truly sorry you had to see the scene you saw, but obviously it was for a reason and I hope your able to get past it in a proper light.

  18. #12

    The initial effort of chasing down a “predator” (whatever the color skin of the predator may happen to be) is highly laudible. They are brave and have my greatest respect.

    If any car was damaged in the process I am sure Shomrim will see to it that the owner is reimbursed. As far as going down one way streets, if they are extremely careful of pedestrians they have every right to do so just as the Police do. The Shomrim protects the Jewish Community and if somebody doesn’t like that then tough luck.

    A word to all Jewish girls, if you ever get that irky feeling about the driver do not enter the car and if you get that feeling once you are in, get out at the first possible time. If you need some excuse just say you are about to vomit big time.

    To the girl in this incident: Don’t get cold feet, be strong and go through the whole process. If somebody even hints to you of revenge just call their bluff and go on. But do report that to the police immediately.

  19. To #12, disgusted: I am at a loss as to how you can describe the capture and punishment of a man who molested a girl as “vigilante mob hysteria”? What if chas v’shalom this happened to one of your family members? Would you not try to save the child and apprehend the animal with whatever means, or would you just let the situation run its course with G-d knows what terrible consequences in order to prevent “vigilante mob hysteria”?!?

  20. to disgusted — June 12, 2008 @ 10:22 pm

    I can’t beleive the hate your spewing here. You’re probably a shomrim wannabe who wouldn’t get accepted! God forbid this happens to your daughter let’s see how fast you’ll be driving along a wrong way street!!

    If you’re so disturbed by shomrim catching a guy that just assualted a 17 year old girl then I think Brooklyn’s not for you.

    Shomrim keep up your good work.

  21. You are all missing the point. These car services are “illegal” for very good reason. The authorities have no real control over them. Using their service is the same as receiving stolen goods (forbidden by Halacha). If no one calls them, they will cease to exist.

  22. #12 i think that if this was your daughter you would be a little more appreciating of the great job that the shomrim are doing for all of us all the time
    so take a deep breath and GET A LIFE!!!!!!#12
    and the shomrim happen to work side by side with the nypd so get the facts straight they are all legal

  23. to #12..are you as disturbed that this low life was going to do what he was going to do….if yes why didnt you first state that lefty, always worried aout the victimizer not the victim..they are not brave?? better a living coward then dead say ..” beat a black man..” that is also lefty talk ..they beat a man who was going to…and he happened to be is guys with mentality like you that we have all this crime ..etc, etc…you say “this was the most distubing act of vigilanty..” did you witness all acts of vigilante and you compared and came to this conclusion?…by the way, where do you live and where do you belong that you are so overconcerned about a low life that was…

  24. To #12:
    Would you have the same reaction if it was your daughter? I don’t think you’d be defending somebody who touched your daughter inappropriately. This girl is is a Bas Yisroel, thus she is OUR daughter.

  25. #15, I doubt this case will be dismissed, she is a minor and this case will probably be prosecuted whether she presses charges or not (Please correct me if I am wrong).
    #12, I don’t think you would be criticizing Shomrim for their wonderful work if this passenger would have been your daughter.
    Kudos to Shomrim for doing WHATEVER it takes to get a criminal off our streets.
    I just hope he wasn’t released an hour later.

  26. I’m shocked at those who “mocked” the concept of women not driving. This minhag wasn’t “made up” by some regular person, rather many chosheva Rebbes and Dayanim won’t allow it. Please be a little more openminded!
    I feel so sorry for this girl and hope everyone learns a lesson not to take a taxi alone, especially at night.

  27. #12. You seem to be full of hatred toward jewish pple. That’s just the way your message came across. SHAME ON YOU. I dont know who you are, but you definitely dont sound like a part of us at all. We are all one family and feel for everyone. You have a very BIG attitude problem. How did you want them to stop this crazy man? “hey mr, please stop doing that- it’s not right what your doing to that poor girlie.” Does that sound any better?
    If anyone’s car was smashed in this incident, believe me they understand. They can contact Shomrim for any reimbursement. No question about it that Shomrim will help them.
    Shomrim is an amazing organization. Who do you think watches our streets while youre sleeping sweetly at 3am?

  28. To: #16

    What you are saying does not make sense. A gentile is much more chashud in these kinds of things. Don’t get me wrong. This could happen with a jewish car service also % every girl and woman should be very careful with any car they step into. But the chances are greater with a gentile.

  29. #36 kollelwife
    I ask curiously (not mockingly), what is the reason behind Rabbis prohibiting women from driving? I would like to know please.

  30. The subject of women driving is a serarate issue. Those Rabboniom that are against women driving should be respected. They feel it is an issue of sanctity and there is much merit, virtue and truth to that.

  31. To: #16


    What you are saying does not make sense. A gentile is much more chashud in these kinds of things. Don’t get me wrong. This could happen with a jewish car service also and every girl and woman should be very careful with any car they step into. But the chances are greater with a gentile.

  32. #41
    Thank you.
    I still do not understand why a woman driving would be immodest but I’m sure the Rabbis know more than me. Maybe it’s not the actual driving but the fact that she can get anywhere at any time?
    I give these women a lot of credit that they accept and follow these rulings, mainly the stockings and shaving the heads. It’s probably easier to understand when you are brought up knowing that that is your way of life.

  33. to #12 narrow minded “mr disgusted”.. suppose the perpetrator had a dangerous weapon, oh yeah you say he didnt ,we all have 20/20 hind sight especially you… how many police officers were killed because they had to think twice before shooting because the likes of you lefties turned our laws into laws of sedom see medrish few examples.. they had inverted laws for benfit of law breakers just like yours

  34. just for the record I personally have heard stories of Jewish Russian and Israeli drivers that both said and did inappropriate things … the funny thing is, in my experience, it’s the goyish drivers that are the best and the cheapest. I was also once side swiped by a Russian “heimish” boro park company and when I chased the guy down the guy in the store front said “prove it”, nice.

  35. To: Jewess in #41

    Your valid question has not yet been really answered and I will answer it for you. The concept of tznius is as our sages of blessed memory have said: “kvod bas melech pinima” transalated as “The honor of a king’s daughter is to be inside” meaning that for purposes of sanctity a woman should not be in the public eye. Although a woman driving may seem to be insignificant to this concept many Rabbonim feel that it is a breach of sanctity. Just to add: There is much merit, virtue and truth to this and I have the greatest respect for these Rabbonim.

  36. Jewess in #49:

    You are welcome and please feel free to ask me anything. You are a sincere person. I am in the middle of changing jobs but for the moment I will still often be on this site because the computer orders are coming in slow and I have time to switch to this site.

  37. to anyone..can anybody refer to us which rabbonim assered a isha to drive?..we think the way de noshim tzikonious go dressed with eye popping b’gadim , nit tzniousdige shayitlech etc,…some who, if wouldn’t have child with peoys next to them, we wouldnt dream is yiddishe tochter..(no, my wife doesnt drive..)..anyway, the translation of tznious is ..every peila that a yiddishe tochter does not to meoiror attention to her looks by anoshim, is b’gader tznious, not the lenth of dress or sleeves, which is not enough..also to have heilige ehrliche kinder is #1 to be tzniousdik..not our own but shas has plenty stories regarding EG:kimche , why she was zocha to have 7 children to be kohanim gedolim…and more.

  38. the point is to be careful. as a victim of abuse, i can honestly say that this girl did an amazing thing by calling shomrim right away, and she did something that most girls don’t do for years. and just for the record, i don’t think driving has to do with it. let’s stop making assumptions about what she could have been doing that was wrong, (sitting in the front seat-which it doesn’t say anywhere in the article!!) and credit her for doing the right thing!

    another point-if the car service has a T&LC license plate, it is legal. if you look at the pictures, she WAS in a legal car service. this has nothing to do with the legality of the car service. and btw, not all “heimeshe” car services are using T&LC licensed cars and drivers (a relative of mine used to drive for a car service!! and while he is a very nice fellow, and wouldn’t harm a fly, he was less “legal” in the car service business than this man was!)

    Unfortunately, there is no proof anywhere stating that there are less “frum” and “heimeshe” people who do inappropriate things than people outside of our community. we just don’t report as often as other communities, so there are no statistics. i’m not saying that we should all go out and use non jewish car services, but i think, from my personal experience with “jewish” people the same precautions should apply to ALL car services, “heimeshe” or not!

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