Chag Kosher v’Sameach – Shas Yiden is Raising the Bar!

Erev Chag Hageulah

Dear Board Members and Friends of Shas Yiden,

With the advent of Pesach – חג החירות we are at a review milestone of Shas Yiden since the beginning of 5781. As the Mishna in Avos says that there is no true חירות except Torah, it is appropriate to consider the Torah achievements of Shas Yiden.

Raising the Torah Bar

Over the years, Shas Yiden has ‘clearly raised the bar’ in the measure of Torah learning and achievement, and has inspired talmidei chachomim, baalei battim and yeshiva bochrim all over the Torah world. People still find it hard to believe that each of our 76 avreichim geonim completes a minimum of 13,555 blatt a year!

Further, just in this last Covid year alone, Shas Yiden opened two more kollelim with twenty-five avreichim geonim, thirteen in Beitar and twelve in London, UK. The feedback from people who have visited the kollelim has been incredible.

Amazing Farher

The most recent Shas Yiden farher was held in Beit Shemesh and was one of the most challenging ever. It was conducted by Maranan Hageonimshlit”a, Harav Bunim Schreiber, Rosh Yeshiva Nesiv Hadaas, Yerushalayim and Harav Chaim Weiss, Rav Hair Beitar Illit. Their respective comments say it all, including:

“They demonstrated that there are no limits to their incredible

proficiency throughout Shas” and

“Never in my life have I seen such a fascinating Torah sight… full

mastery… like others know Ashrei Yoshvei”.

Hagaon Harav Aryeh Tzvi Rottenberg, shlit”a, Rav Chasidei Gur Beit Shemesh, was invited to attend. After the farher, he was most effusive in his praise:

“My great amazement at the Shas Yiden farher… questions

encompassing the entire Shas and answered them all immediately…

a true Kiddush Hashem.”

(Please click on our website to see a video of the farher – and the brochos of the Nasi of Shas Yiden, the Sar Hatorah, shlit”a).

Caring for the Shas Yiden Families

Despite the difficulties of this last year, Covid et al, Shas Yiden has kept our commitment to each of the Shas Yiden families to ensure their menuchas hanefesh that each month the salaries have been paid on time, and that in Tishrei and, now again, for Nissan, they are paid full extra salary checks to help them meet the extra Yom Tov expenses. And for that, a big ‘thank you’ is due to you all. You have an eternal stake in their incredible learning.

Your on-going interest and support in this unique Torah venture is sincerely appreciated. Collectively and individually, you are singular partners in changing the way the Torah world views the ability to both learn and master the entire Shas.

With best wishes for a חג כשר ושמח,

Maran, Sar Hatorah, רשכבה”ג

Hagaon Harav Chaim Kanievsky

Nasi, Shas Yiden

Hagaon Harav Avrohom Eisen, Pozna Rov

Founder, Shas Yiden


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