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Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Another Health/Ubiquitin “Classic”. Will it ever end? Reply To: Another Health/Ubiquitin “Classic”. Will it ever end?


Ubiq -“so for example. If two friends are discussing whether a case will get heard, and one insists it will and the other says “no it will be dismissed as being moot”. first guy says “it will be heard you are a liar”

It’s very hard to converse with you, because you constantly Lie!
Yes, we did have a back & forth about the word “Heard”.
But what you’re posting Now is a complete Lie!
Let me refresh your Memory.
The Very first time you mentioned the word “moot”, is the following on page 3:

“Even if someone was in denial until now. That denial should be gone. The Supreme court doesn’t hear cases that are moot, ie theoretical cases with no practical ramification (Article III section 2 of the constitution limits court’s scope to “cases & controversies” . Any election litigation is now theoretical Biden won (even if unfairly) There is a zero percent chance that the case will be heard.

Then you posted this:
“When case will be thrown out as moot (previous statement was fact, this is opinion (for now)).”

Why mention “opinion”?
Because you started feeling Guilty on your First Paragraph, because it was a Lie of Fabrication!

“becasue Im curious to what extent you will go to rewrite reality”

It’s a Shame that you keep trying to Manipulate & Change the Reality!