Reply To: Downfall of Cuomo

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“The fact that Cuomo is responsible for thousands of deaths”

That is not clearly a fact. 17 states had higher nursing home death rates but only Cuomo gets attacked. Trump is responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths but his Cult here still follows him. Trump should have resigned a year ago. He lied about the pandemic, obstructed testing obstructed PPE delivery, and created mass spreading events. That people continue to attack Cuomo yet defend Trump shows that this is really about partisan hackers.

That said, Cuomo and De Blasio realy should resign too, Cuomo for the cover up (not the nursing home deaths) and De Blsio for his support of perjury at NYCHA. But while Cuomo has a competent Lt. Governor, you absolutely do not want to try to force De Blasio from office. You will seriously regret getting rid of De Blasio.