1) As his birthdate is uncertain, R’ Elimelech was either 69 or 70 years old when he passed away.
2) He was born in Tykocin (Tiktin) Poland, a small town which today still has only 2,000 inhabitants. Sadly the Nazis murdered all of the Jews of Tiktin during WWII
3) He had many talmidim including the Chozeh of Lublin, Rebbe Menachem Mendel of Rimanov, the Kozhnitzer Maggid, the Apter Rov and Rabbi Kalonymus Kalman Halevi Epstein, author of Maor Vashemesh.
4) His last name was Weissblum.
5) Many people consider the Noam Elimelech a “segulah sefer” and keep it in their home (and travel with it) for protection. (amongst other uses)
6) The Piaseczna Rebbe, Rav Kalonymus Kalman Shapira hy”d was R’ Elimelech’s great-grandson
7) Upon R’ Elimelech’s matzeiva (gravestone) there is no year of death. Instead, the Hebrew acronym for “rest in peace” (תנצב”ה) is written, which has the same gematria, or numerical value, as the Hebrew year of his passing, 5,447 (תקמ”ז).