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Yair Lapid: Tens of Thousands of Settlers Will be Evicted

lapOne can only wonder how Bayit Yehudi remains coalition partners with Yesh Atid, the party led by Yair Lapid. Bennett has been under fire for remaining with Lapid as the coalition delivers one devastating blow to the Torah tzibur after another. Now the situation begs the question how Bennett remains with Lapid who is targeting the yishuvim, stating “tens of thousands of residents of yishuvim will be ousted from their homes”.

So one might say that today’s new version of the National Religious Party is neither national nor religious.

Speaking to the Jerusalem Post Diplomatic Conference hosted in the Daniel Hotel in Herzliya, Lapid explained in his belief, “Zionism is practical” and therefore, the PA (Palestinian Authority) does not have to recognize the Jewish state. He explains the ongoing Israel PA conflict is about distrust more than anything else. “For 2000 years we needed recognition from others and we are fed up…”

Regarding concessions that Israel will have to make in a deal with the PA, Lapid stressed his words reflect his opinion alone, not the position of the cabinet or negotiating team. He explains “the element of time includes dangers and risk. I am no speaking about an interim solution but a complete solution that will permit everyone to live with it, with permanent borders of the State of Palestine, but for them, this solution will not resolve the Jerusalem issue. However it will include the eviction of tens of thousands of settlers. There is no alternative.”

“This conflict is portrayed as a David and Goliath story, Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Woolf, Lady Gaga and Madonna,” Lapid cited. “European anarchists and ‘useful idiots’ have led the claim that Israel is strong, so it must be wrong” the senior cabinet minister added.

Lapid had harsh words for the human rights activists of the world, who prefer to ignore the gross violations in Gaza because it does not fit their agenda. “One place is democratic and gives equality to gays and women and minorities, and the other kills Christians for being Christians and Jews for being Jews, but they’re still considered the good guys. People don’t want to deviate from the narrative, but if you want to talk about human rights, you have to talk about the whole package” he added.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. The Religious Zionists have decided that Zionism is their core belief, and therefore they perceive the non-zionist (or anti-zionist) Hareidim as mortal enemies. Remember that the bottom line is that offered an opportunity to live in peace as an autonomous self-governing Jewish community governed by halacha, but as part of an Islamic state – the Hareidim would accept. The behavior of the Religious Zionists in the 21st century vindicates the Hareidim of the mid-20th century who saw that making the “land” and the “medinah” (i.e. zionism) into a religious commandment would eventually undermine the Religious Zionists committment to Torah.

  2. Just a reminder,,,,in the eyes of the WORLD & PA, Ramat Eshkol, Ramat SHlomo, Old City, Nvei Yakov, Kiryat Sefer and Beitar are all SETTLERS…

    We aint just talking National Religious, we are talking majority of Torah frum Jews living in post ’67, Mr. Lapid!!

  3. bklynmom: 1) In the eyes of the Muslims, Tel Aviv and Hadera are “settlements.”

    2) The willingness of many hilonim to give up territory, and perhaps even Jerusalem, is in the belief that the large Shomer Shabbos population will disappear if they do so. They aren’t being bright, but that’s a different issue.

    3. The Bennett wing of the Religious Zionists clearly hate the hareidim more than they love the land. While hareidi rabbanim are generally quite dove-ish, they are willing to support the religious zionists in return for support for Torah. The Religious zionists turned down the deal, i.e. agreed to give up much land in return for an agreement to persecute the Hareidim.

  4. Now the situation begs the question how Bennett remains with Lapid who is targeting the yishuvim . . .

    It doesn’t BEG the question; it RAISES the question.

    “Begging the question” is a logical fallacy. Just because we’re frum, doesn’t mean we can’t speak English properly.

  5. akuperma: You now get three stars for your NK nutcase chart.
    The RZ had nothing against, and did support the Hareidi enterprise, until the Hareidi parties sold their brothers of Gush Katif and Northern Shomron for government cash. That stung hard, those people are still suffering, and such treachery is not soon forgotten. And you have the wrong read on both the chilonim and the hareidim. Despite what bigmouths are preaching, none of them are so stupid as to trust for benevolence under Arab sovereignty. One only has to look at the lot of Cristians in the Arab world.

  6. #1

    You are living on cloud nine!! The idea of Hareidim living under an Islamic state is an illusion. Maybe 80 years ago we could have worked out an accomodation with the Arabs, but today they just want to kill every last Jew regardless of what he’s wearing (or not wearing)on his head. By the way where do you get the time to be always commenting ?

  7. akuperma, have you been smoking some weird stuff? Where do you get your deluded nonsense from? The Chareidim have stabbed the Dati community in the back, not the other way around. What Dati ever voted to give our G-d given land away? Only the Chareidim have.

    Your accusations about Dati being anti-Torah is not only delusional, it’s dispicable.

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