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Chareidim Arrested in Bituach Leumi Scam

mishtThree chareidim are in custody for their alleged part in an operation defrauding Bituach Leumi, Israel’s National Insurance Institute. The case is being called “National Treasure” by investigators, who indicate additional arrests may be expected in what they signal may be scam that intends to defraud the IDF and Bituach Leumi of funds. Officials indicate if the suspects were not apprehended, tens of millions of NIS could have been embezzled from the government agencies.

The news of the arrest came this week but the suspects, three chareidim from Yerushalayim in their 20s and 30s were arrested earlier in the month. The allegations against the three states they were selling letters from psychiatrists to chareidim around the country. These letters would entitle the recipient to a psychiatric discharge from the IDF.

Police, IDF and Bituach Leumi investigators are involved, reporting the ring demanded 1,500 NIS per letter from their clients. In addition, the suspects allegedly did business with avreichim and others around the country seeking psychiatric disability payments from Bituach Leumi. Charges for this service varied from 1,500 -50,000 NIS, which ultimately would permit the recipient to receive monthly supplemental income payments from Bituach Leumi ranging from 4,500-7,000 NIS.

It is believed that millions of NIS were already paid to chareidim who succeeded in obtaining the fraudulent psychiatric disability payments from Bituach Leumi.

The three were brought before a district court on Wednesday, 19 Cheshvan. Two were remanded for five additional days while the third was released to house arrest.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. It’s a very well known fact that this is exactly how hundreds of Tel Aviv chilonim get out of military service but the anti charedi media racists would only report about charedim.

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