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Ben Levi

I actually think Rush was responsible for the massive loss of credibility that the mainstream media had with American public.

I recall seeing a clip of an interview with a Black women who supported Trump, I think it was on CBS. She was asked why and replied. After Trump’s July 4’th speech at Mt Rushmore I watched all the commentary calling it “dark’ and “divisive” and then I went to watch it and saw it was nothing of the sort. So I started investigating the man and administration behind the caricature the media was painting and I became a supporter”

I may have got somethings wrong but that the gist of what she said.

I feel Rush served the same purpose.

Anyone who actually listened to Rush on even an occasional basis saw and heard that he was no bigot. He actually had an African American who produced his show, and had African Americans filling in for him all the time. He was extremely pro Israel and extremely respectful of religion.

He was also very generous dedicating his show to raising money for various causes and donating plenty himself. In fact he was considered from the most generous celebrities out there.

His personal failings are well documented but that does not change facts.

The media regularly would take a line or two out of a 15 minute monologue and purposely take it out of context to create a caricature of him that was objectively false showing they were in essence dishonest.