Reply To: The Last Decent Democrat

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee The Last Decent Democrat Reply To: The Last Decent Democrat


>We have a decent President today, Joe Biden<

If you ever wondered why Democrats are in favor of more government involvement, look no further than this statement.

Biden supporters will ignore
the lies (“no vaccines when I came in”, “no sanction relief for Iran”, “anyone who is disrespectful will be fired”),
the racism (Blacks are unclean, unarticulate and are all of the same opinion, according to Joe),
the insanity (“China virus” = bad, China’s genocide = cultural difference, Cuomo = amazing),
and the hypocrisy (not wearing a mask on Fed property after an EO that forbids it)
that is Joe Biden and will still call him ‘a decent President’.

So why shouldn’t politicians have more power? They are all decent aren’t they?

>Anyone who supported Trump has absolutely no standing to complain about Democrats not being decent.<

Um, no.
Nobody supported Trump because he was ‘decent’ (whatever that means to you), they supported him because he stood for their values and ideas.
But Dems have been calling Biden a ‘decent’ man, so Reps can complain about him not being ‘decent’.