Reply To: Biden condemns racism and nativism in the same sentence

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Ben Levi

Again as i understand the practice of modern liberalism (as opposed to classic liberalism) vs conservitism.

The modern day conservative movement is predicaed on a basic belief of a “small federal government” that embraces a theory of “live and let live” the federal government is not required to accept or not accept you as long as I do nothing to activley impede or harm you. Similarly the federal government is not required to help or not help you as long as, again, it does not activley impede your success.

The basic role of federal government is simply to ensure that society as whole can function on a macro level and as such is relegated to the basic tasks that are need to ensure the protection and functioning of society as a whole on a macro level.

Example one is defense, the National defense requires a collective effort as such it falls into the realm of govermental affairs.

Basic infrastucture such as roads and bridges are again needed for society as whole to function as such it falls into the realm of federal government.

The application of this theory is basically that the federal government has a relativley small footprint in the average citizens life ensuring that they have an individual chance at success but not ensuring that success is going to happen.

As a social level it means that the indivudual community is allowed to function based on the moral values of that community.

In other words Quakers are left to construct their societies based upon their morals and beleifs and transmit them to their children. The government has nor role to play in it what so ever.

Muslims are the same way as are Christians and African Americans.

Modern day enlightened Greenich Village is the same way.

Now while I fundementally disagree with many of the basic principles and values that these individual communities espouse and implement, it really makes no difference because I have no right to dictate to any indivual which community they may join nor how that community should conduct themselves.

The benefit to me is that I am allowed to live in a Torah based community which is constructed to live based upon Torah values and transmit them to their children free of persecution.

This basic idea is why we Orthodox Jews have been able to live in the USA for years and practice our religous belefies freely and openly.

Even during say the 1930’s when anti-semitism in America was open and widespread, Shuls & Yeshivos functioned because a basic tenet of America was that you can keep me out of you country club but you can not stop me from opening mine.

You do what you want and I do what I want.