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Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Can you erase my messages I mean your messages, I mean my… Reply To: Can you erase my messages I mean your messages, I mean my…



“wrote suggesting that if someone wants privacy then theh must be doing or saying something wrong.”

I did not mean to suggest that.
and your bathroom analogy is getting me confused again. My question was NOT about the desire to “take back” something that was said. We have all (at least most) been there. Nor about the need for privacy. My confusion was when you said that 80% of what you text are things that you later want to “take back”
worth noting , that if a person spends 80% of his time in the bathroom something is wrong. That doesn’t make him a bad person, and I am not judging. A doctor MAY be able to help, but should definitely be consulted.
similarly if 80% of what a person texts are things he later regrets, that isn’t typical. Again it isnt “bad” but something is atypical. That is what prompted my question. I couldn’t imagine why a person wanted to retract so much of what was said

You response answered it, now I see

“-then why is it ok to request it for a picture but not message isn’t it the same concept?”
Pictures are different for several reason
(Note not all these differences apply to all texts vs all pictures just generally speaking)
1- Text that you sent – by definition – was wit h your consent. If you later regret it that is “your problem” not mine , as opposed to a picture we I take where you look “unflattering” you never agreed to the picture in the first place
2- You cant control how you look in picture maybe you were scratching your nose and from angle looks more embarrassing , certainly a person should delete that and wouldn’t be weird for someone to ask . Text YOU composed you have no one else to blame (I’m not sure that this is different than #1)
3- Picture is unmistakably you. Thus You “own it” more than words which even if I were to forward it would lose their connection to you .
4- Pictures have a tendency to live on, words are typically forgotten about. I cant imagine someone scrolling back to laugh at the time so-an-so was constipated. If they dont look for it they wont find it. Pictures get saved in album, often transferred to cloud, and live on on a computer pop up when google reminds you of this day 8 years later etc etc

If you don’t think any of these differences are real, thats ok to of course.
The gist is the same. In both cases you cant FORCE them to delete it and in both cases they should delete it

“I don’t see what the big deal is or why someone would get offended.”

Its not a big deal, and I dont think people would get offended, it is just “odd” ie atypical. I text 20 people daily probably another 30 people I “chat” with in groups. I can recall 1 time someone asked to delete something that was sent and a handful of times that a message was deleted from the group. It isnt typical that things are later deleted. and certainly not near 80% (for most people) which is what prompted my question