Reply To: Stop the Steal, Anarchists

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emes nisht sheker

tvp – your statement is contradictory. You make the following statements:

A – “there were tens of thousands of illegal votes”

B – “I don’t see what is wrong with trump requesting the secretary of state of Georgia uncover them”

If statement “A” is a known fact then statement “B” is unnecessary. If statement “B” is necessary then “A” cannot be known.

If you had evidence for “A” and therefore did not need the Secretary of State of Georgia to uncover this info, you could have gone to court with that info. Of course in the hour long call, Trump says they don’t have the info because Georgia refused to turn over to them information that is confidential under the law. Hence, the claim there are tens of thousands of illegal votes is not supported by any evidence (otherwise we get back to why did you not present that evidence in court… right, because it did not exist. Statements made on social media do not get cross-examined).

If you actually listened to Trump, his primary claim is that it is not possible he lost because he had big rallies and somebody told him that it is impossible he lost. He did repeat a bunch of debunked claims, including claims that were made by the Georgia hearings on the election that various analysis showed numerous votes being fraudulent, which one representative there actually went through some of the names and in each case showed that the person making the fraud claims did a sloppy job (at best, or was acting maliciously at worst).

Oh, as to what is wrong? Trump was pushing Raffensperger to find votes to make Trump the winner and was implying that not to do so would result in criminal charges and would result in political consequences (i.e. you will never win an election again). Sure sounds like conspiracy to me. Imagine Raffensperger, like lyin Ted Cruz (who called Trump a pathological liar who just lies and attacks people and said when the news does not reprint his lies he just doubles down on them and calls the news fake news) caved into Trump and decided to support him as a path to retaining power. He would be violating the law, as Raffensperger clearly expressed that they did not find issues and the President’s data is wrong. Seems a textbook charge of conspiracy. Just another thing to add to the list of charges Trump will face when he leaves office.