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New Matchers Have Stepped Forward And Are Keeping It Going Until 10 PM Tonight!

For 100 years, Yeshiva Torah Vodaath has been the mosad impacting the future generations of klal yisrael. Established by Horav Shraga Feivel Mendlowitz zt”l, and Rav Binyomin Wilhelm zt”l, the yeshiva has produced legions of leaders who have guided us. As Torah Vodaath celebrated its 100th birthday last year, the world became engulfed in the novel coronavirus.


Despite the challenges, the Yeshiva is thriving and Boruch Hashem, its resurgence continues. It is now two years since Horav Hagaon Rav Yitzchok Lichtenstein shlita assumed the helm of Rosh Hayeshiva, working closely with Moreinu Horav Yosef Savitsky shlita and Moreinu Horav Yisroel Reisman shlita.


The Kol Torah reverberates strong and true throughout the campus. Despite the demographic challenges of many young families relocating out of Brooklyn, seventy-three children are currently registered in this year’s Kindergarten, with three parallel classes through 6th grade.


The success of the thriving Yeshiva Ketana can be attributed to its simple mission: address every aspect of students’ needs to maximize their overall potential.


Young, dynamic and energetic Rebbeim utilize the very best curriculum and teaching methodologies to reach, teach and encourage their students as individuals. Building on a superior curriculum, several new programs and initiatives were recently introduced, taking our Yeshiva Ketanah from “A Happy Place” to “An Even Happier Place to Be, and bringing out the best in each talmid.


Chinuch in this mosad is successful. Its Talmidim are recognized for their midos tovos. It is not uncommon to hear that talmidim have performed private acts of outstanding chesed. One mother relates that her two mesivta sons leined the megila for homebound individuals on Purim 25-30 times each!


COVID-19 forced this historic and visionary yeshiva to cancel the major fundraising events that sustain it. Yet despite it all, Torah Vodaath continues to grow, and its budget has increased dramatically to meet the growing need and opportunity for Torah learning.


Today, they are asking YOU to play a role in every talmid who becomes a leader: as a talmid chacham, Rav, Dayan or askan, who goes out into the world and contributes to ribui k’vod Shomayim.


Torah Vodaath is the future of yiddishkeit here in America.


Without your support, they cannot turn the page to the next 100 years of this storied Yeshiva.


This yeshiva is not just historical, it is history in the making.


Help us build new generations of Torah leaders by donating HERE!


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