Lhota Calls Republican Party Critics Of His Campaign Are ‘Empty Vessels’

Joe-Lhota_Republican mayoral candidate Joe Lhota dismissed criticism of his campaign from members of his own party as sniping from clueless critics in the “cheap seats.”

“Comments from the cheap seats mean nothing,” Lhota shot back Sunday, according to The Daily News. “They’re not in my campaign, they don’t know what’s going on inside my campaign. You can’t spend any time thinking about what these guys are saying.

“Everything I’ve done in my life, whether it’s in the private sector or in the public sector, I’ve been doing things that most people think are impossible,” Mr. Lhota said.

Asked by reporters today to comment on The Daily News reports, Mr. de Blasio stood far from offering a verdict on his rival’s campaign.

“If you look at his campaign, it’s not for me to judge, but obviously the voters have not so far been impressed by the approach he’s taken,” he said.

(Jacob Kornbluh – YWN)

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