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NJ Court Agrees to Allow Same-Gender Marriages Starting Monday

chrSame-gender marriages will begin within days in New Jersey after the state’s highest court ruled unanimously Friday to uphold a lower-court order that same-gender weddings must start Monday and to deny a delay that was sought by Gov. Chris Christie’s administration.

“The state has advanced a number of arguments, but none of them overcome this reality: Same-gender couples who cannot marry are not treated equally under the law today,” the court said in an opinion by Chief Justice Stuart Rabner. “The harm to them is real, not abstract or speculative.”

A judge on the lower court had ruled last month that New Jersey must recognize same-gender marriage and set Monday as the date to allow same-gender weddings. Christie, a Republican who is considered a possible 2016 presidential candidate, appealed the decision and asked for the start date to be put on hold while the state appeals.

A spokesman for Christie said that he will comply with the ruling, though he doesn’t like it.

“While the governor firmly believes that this determination should be made by all the people of the State of New Jersey, he has instructed the Department of Health to cooperate with all municipalities in effectuating the order,” spokesman Michael Drewniak said in a statement.

The ruling puts New Jersey on the cusp of becoming the 14th state — and the third most populous among them — to allow same-gender marriage. The advocacy group Freedom to Marry said that as of Monday one-third of Americans will live in a place where same-gender marriage is legal.


2 Responses

  1. America is descending with most of the West to its deserved utter destruction

    and the wicked ‘jews’ who foisted every step of this upon them will be destroyed (for which they will blame everyone but themselves)

    Remember ,Forever,You heard it here.

    The Moment of Reckoning is sooner than you imagine
    “Those who sow the wind,will reap the whirlwind”

  2. It is very sad that less than a week after the nj orthodox community strongly supported the candidate with correct “moral” values over the popular obvious front runner in the US senate seat – and now we have a “frum” judge allowing this with a simple issur deoraisa -with a coverup of “equality”
    May the world see the truth soon!

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