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Major MVA on Jordan Valley Road

idfc15:00: Eight people were injured in a vehicular accident on the Jordan Valley Road a short time ago, Thursday, 13 Cheshvan 5774 in a head-on collision between Beit Shean and Mecholah. The Magen David Adom dispatcher in the Gilboa region received the call for a head-on collision at 13:54.

Police were dispatched along with EMT and paramedic MDA ambulances and responders from Hatzalah Yosh. Three of the injured were found to be in serious condition, trapped in vehicles. Two choppers were dispatched to the scene as well. The seriously injured were flown to the trauma center in Rambam Medical Center in Haifa, including a little girl. One victim was reportedly in critical condition.

Those lightly injured were transported by ambulance to HaEmek Hospital in Afula.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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