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ABC News: Hillary To Quit Race Friday

election2.jpgSen. Hillary Clinton will drop out of the presidential race on Friday, ending her bid for the White House and ceding the Democratic nomination to Barack Obama, ABC News has learned. Clinton’s decision to leave the race ends a long, often bitter battle for the right to challenge Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., in the general election.

Hillary Clinton, the former first lady and two-term senator from New York, entered the race over a year ago with the words, “I’m in it to win it.”

8 Responses

  1. I’m very happy that this two faced carpet beggar (who kissed Arafat’s wife after she said the Israelis infect the Palestinian children with the aids virus) is out. One down one more to go. Hopefully, Hussein Obama will be the next one out.

  2. I have a great idea! Why dosen’t John Mccain choose Hillary Clinton as his running mate!!!!! And Barack Hussein Obama should choose Mike Huckabee as his!!!!! I will love to see the final results!!!! God Bless America!

  3. This is so weird. Hillary is a drop-out!!!! At least the Yated will still have business. Because if Hillary would’ve won,what pictures would the Yated have? They don’t put in pictures of ladies. Every other page is a picture of Prestident Bush. HA HA!!!! But still Obama can’t win. Who wants a black as a president?!?! Let’s vote for McCain!!

  4. “If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen”
    Harry S. Truman

    I guess hilary just couldn’t take the heat. she can finally take the time to bake cookies.

    “I suppose I could have stayed home and baked cookies and had teas, but what I decided to do was to fulfill my profession which I entered before my husband was in public life”
    hilary r. clinton

  5. Joseph, could you explain to me what an evil witch has to do with anything?

    Actually, I think the best thing is for Hillary, who has not yet dropped out of the race, merely suspended it, to run as an independant, thereby eliminating possible Obama votes (if she decides to endorse him), and giving McCain a better chance at victory.

    Also, and maybe this is just a pet peeve of mine, to all those people who insist on inserting Hussein into Obama’s name, chill out … his (possible) Islamic leanings are the least of our problems with him

  6. Bill and Hillary Clinton are at the first major-league baseball game of the season.As it is with tradition,Bill gets to throw the first pitch.He stands up, picks Hillary up, and tosses her onto the field. A secret-service man leans over and whispers “No. The first PITCH.”

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