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Minister Orbach: The Behavior of Maran’s Sons is ‘Repulsive’


Minister for Senior Citizen Affairs (Bayit Yehudi) Uri Orbach tells the Knesset Channel that the sons of Maran HaGaon HaRav Ovadia Yosef ZT”L are taking advantage of the death of Maran HaGaon HaRav Ovadia Yosef ZT”L, calling their behavior “repulsive”.

He cites how we move from the entire nation being mispallel for the gadol hador to “vote for Shas for this is what Maran wanted” and that the sons of the late rav are abusing the situation.

When asked if he visited the shiva Orbach stated, “I felt that people like myself, politicians and religious Zionists were unwanted as some of my colleagues learned firsthand and therefore I did not go.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. The attempts of Sha”s to squeeze political benefit from the outpouring of public sorrow over the passing of harav Ovadia zt”l is eerily reminiscent of the Israeli left-wing’s campaign to squeeze political benefit from the outpouring of public horror over the murder of Yitschak Rabin z”l. Both attempts are distasteful, but it seems that it takes greater menschlichkeit than most politicians have to withstand the temptation.

  2. Every word he has spoken is truth.

    Maran”s zt”l daughter Adina Shalom lamented how did a memorial service after shiva become a SHAS RALLY and how her Abba would have been so upset.. With Deri at the helm nothing is unusual!!

  3. Naturally they’ll try to separate between the big turnout for R’ Ovadia and the political scene, but the connection is too obvious to ignore.

  4. #3- I don’t understand how you got that from the interview – he specifically said that there is absolutely no question that harav Ovadia would be calling on people to vote for Sha”s were he still alive. Neither he nor anyone else has any problem with calling on people to vote for a party – that is democracy in action. But using the maamad of a shiva to sow divisiveness and disrespect, and attempting to manipulate people’s sorrow at the passing of harav Ovadia to get them to vote for a political party that they would otherwise not vote for is something else altogether.

  5. A statement such as this, if it was made, is truly repulsive, because it is inaccurate, baseless and completely inappropriate, to put it nicely. We see the phenomenon in our times of the accuser being guilty of the very thing that he is accusing someone else of, while the party being accused is completely free of that. Another example of this would be the constant Arab lies and accusations of Israel, while they are usually the ones who are guilty of these things.

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