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Rocket Attacks May Leave Farmers Without Workers

Chaim Yellin, who heads the Eshkol Regional Council, sent an urgent letter to Defense Minister Ehud Barak following Tuesday’s rocket attacks that left five injured, including Thai workers on the farm belonging to Rina Rachamim.

Another Thai worker was recently injured, and yet another killed, resulting in a difficult situation as the foreign laborers begin to evaluate the security situation in the southern areas, contemplating unemployment over the risk of injuries or worse.

Rachamim explained that if her foreign workers are unwilling to continue, the little that remains of life in the area will be gone.

Yellin called on Barak to do something, adding that the government cannot expect IDF reservists living in the area to serve when their own government is abandoning their basic security needs. He added that a government that does not provide basic social or physical security to its citizens does not have the right to expect patriotism in return.

Yellin adds that while the nation is so busy discussing the immorality of the prime minister’s actions, his alleged acceptance of cash envelopes, it appears the media and others do not have time to discuss the immorality of abandoning residents under constant rocket attacks.

He continues that ministers do express their opinions regarding the ongoing Olmert investigation, but seem to remain silent regarding Sderot and rocket attacks. He concludes that they should take a long hard look at themselves and their morality since the obligation to act falls on every one of them individually.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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