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BREAKING: Hunter Biden Under Federal Investigation Over Taxes

President-elect Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden revealed Wednesday that he is under investigation by the top federal prosecutor in Delaware for his taxes.

The probe was disclosed five days before Joe Biden is expected to be formally selected as the next president by the Electoral College.

Hunter Biden said in a statement, “I learned yesterday for the first time that the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Delaware advised my legal counsel, also yesterday, that they are investigating my tax affairs.”

“I take this matter very seriously but I am confident that a professional and objective review of these matters will demonstrate that I handled my affairs legally and appropriately, including with the benefit of professional tax advisors,” Hunter Biden said.

In a statement, the transition team of Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris said, “President-elect Biden is deeply proud of his son, who has fought through difficult challenges, including the vicious personal attacks of recent months, only to emerge stronger.”


13 Responses

  1. I love it. When the country is thrown into a years-long investigation based on absolutely nothing regarding the Republican president’s Russia connections, that’s okay. Hunter Biden, on the other hand, has been the victim of “vicious personal attacks.”
    Get jailed soon, Huntie!
    AP freaks: love u guys!

  2. nebach: poor hunter, never touched a cent that didn’t belong to him. him they accuse of money misdeeds. not to worry pelosi and Schumer will take care

  3. Why only Hunter Biden? What about investigating “10% Big Guy” himself? And why only taxes, what happened to bribery, money laundering, extortion and and helping China to steal American secrets? All incriminating evidence was on laptop from hell and more new info released today by Senate report on Hunter Biden.

  4. This is news, but Trump, the actual president (not the son of the president living 3000 miles away), having his charity shut down for tax fraud, doesn’t make your page? Trump not paying income taxes on hundreds of millions of dollars in income, year after year, its not news to you. It’s like, ALL OF THE SUDDEN, there’s standards in Washington. I bet someone saying something mean on Twitter is going to shatter the world now, or be disqualifying.
    You made this bed, now sleep in it. For all I care, President Biden can play golf every day of his term and you people will still have no moral leg to stand on to complain. None.

  5. What about his laptop? The FBI has been sitting on it for more than a year, what are they doing about it? This degenerate adulterous incestuous piece of garbage and his corrupt adulterous father would both have been in prison by now, if the FBI wasn’t covering up for them.

  6. I should hope, that this is Delaware state taxes as well, for which sleepy Joe cannot pardon him.
    Of-course locking him up with Hillary suits me just fine.

  7. I find this suspicious. As if this is a “show” they are putting on to give the false impression that there was a real investigation (and, of course, found at most only minor violations). And then they use that to pretend he is cleared of all offenses and all suspicious of every type.

  8. So Hunter Biden announces publicly he’s under tax investigation, and the degenerate adulterous lying loser desperately fights tooth and nail to make sure investigators and the public will never know about his taxes.

  9. I wonder why YWN is censoring my comments about Biden crime family. Is YWN joining army of Fake News protecting “president elect” from negative comments?

  10. @OrechDin: You write, “Trump not paying income taxes on hundreds of millions of dollars in income, year after year….” I’m sure, based on previous correspondence (and, by-the-way, you never responded to my last comment on the other page; perhaps you never saw it), that you have evidence you can share with us. So far, all I know is that the president claimed (at one of the debates) that the accusation is completely false. Would you share your evidence with us, please?

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