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Ashdod Youths in Custody for Attacking Chareidim

mishtPolice in Ashdod arrested five youths ages 12-17 and one 20-year-old, all suspected of involvement in attacks against chareidim in the city. The suspects are residents of the city’s Rov Gimmel neighborhood.

The suspects are allegedly involved in numerous attacks against chareidim, including an assault against an avreich about a week ago. The avreich was leaving davening during the early morning hours in Rova Gimmel near Admor M’Belz Street when he was attacked. In another case that occurred last week, a young boy riding a bicycle was attacked, knocked to the ground and beaten. He managed to get up and flee as they tried to take his bike.

Ashdod Police Chief Noam Shekel viewed these and other attacks seriously and ordered his subordinates to make them priority cases. B”H both victims cited above were able to give police descriptions of the attackers.

The five were arrested this week and they have admitted to the accusations against them. One of the minors told police they attacked the boy on the bike because they did not approve of his appearance.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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