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Another Nobel Prize to Jews Due to the Merit of Limud Torah

aumNobel Prize laureate Prof. Robert Aumann, a frum Jew, addresses the fact that so many Yidden are among the recipients of the prestigious Nobel Prize.

Speaking to Galei Yisrael Radio, the professor explained he believes limud Torah enhances the Jewish People and this leads to the disproportionate number of Jews winning the prestigious prize.

He said perhaps there is a genome that accounts for this, which may be the result of Jewish values. Aumann added that the value that stands above all else is limud Torah, and this is more important than all else.

“Torah study is an intellectual pursuit and honoring this ultimate value transfers to other pursuits as well”.

“King Chizkiyahu and the Jewish People were saved from Sanchariv only because of limud Torah.”

“Jewish homes are full of seforim while other homes may or may not be. Jewish homes have overflowing bookshelves. Throughout the generations we have given great honor to this intellectual pursuit. Even the gvirim who wanted to marry their daughters sought roshei yeshivos and the most outstanding talmidei chachamim. Torah study makes the nation and its people of the finest high quality.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. very nice words, but how does limud torah by frum jews connect to secular jews doing well in secular fields? Most kollel bachurim don’t like chilonim- let alone have their Torah be a zechus for them!

  2. Historically, Jews who excelled intellectually in limud Torah reproduced. Catholics who excelled intellectually became priests and didn’t reproduce. While those Jewish Nobel Prize winners may not know a word of Torah, there’s a good chance that their ancestors were talmidei chachamim.

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