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Turkish PM Erdogan Weighs In on US Health Care Law

tpmAdd Turkey’s prime minister to President Barack Obama’s allies in a fight over health care which has paralyzed much of the U.S. government.

In a rare comment on U.S. domestic policy, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Friday praised Obama’s health care law and expressed puzzlement that some are trying to block it.

“It’s such a beautiful step and to tell the truth, Mr. Obama should be supported,” Erdogan said in a speech in Ankara. “There are those who say: ‘You cannot spend my earnings on others.’ Now, how is this possible?”

Obama’s 2010 health care law is at the center of a budget standoff in Washington that has led to a partial government shutdown.

Erdogan said the law benefits those who cannot afford health care. Citing a dictum from the Ottoman sultan, Suleiman the Magnificent, Erdogan added that human life should be held above all other interests of the state.

“Human beings are so important that we put them above all else,” Erdogan said.


3 Responses

  1. CANT STOP LAUGHING!!!!!! Seriously Mr. Turkey? “Human beings are so important that we put them above all else”???!!!!! You forgot to insert the word ‘muslim’ before the word human. To you and your kind, anyone other than a muslim is sub-human. Especially the Jews!

  2. Americans, unlike almost everyone else in the world, value personal freedom. It has nothing to do with race and religion.
    Except for the African Americans, we choose to be Americans, and a motivating factor was the desire to do whatever we felt like doing and not having some “better” than us (the creator excepted) telling us what to do. The opposition to Obama-care comes from all the “mandates” – if instead he handed out a credit and people could choose whatever health insurance they wanted (or none at all, i.e. put the money in a health savings account), there would be almost no opposition except from the deficit hawks (who as it is, have a lot on their plate already). Forcing people to make decisions they don’t want to make is the issue.

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