Reply To: Cuomo

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Cuomo Reply To: Cuomo

Decency is Key

Did you not read my post?

The number of cases are not higher in our communities. The number of positive tests in relation to total tests taken is higher. This does not reflect anything of the general population.

The health department visited schools before YK, admitted that proper precautions were in place, expressed approval, then closed the schools.

On any given day I see more non-Jews not wearing masks than I do Jews who aren’t wearing masks.

The VAST MAJORITY of institutions and establishments are keeping to the guidelines, and have been for some time. MOST of the people are wearing masks.

The issue is that he continuously, publicly, carried on about the non-compliance when there has been compliance, and that he points out the rise in percentages JUST within our communities, when other minorities who also live in crowded communities have similar rates.