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Hagaon Harav Betzalel Rudinsky to Lead Community in Ramat Givat Zeev

Ramat Givat Zeev is a luxurious neighborhood that includes many spacious parks, a magnificent mikveh, a shopping center, shuls and schools. Now the community leaders are working toward strengthening the community of American olim, with the arrival of Hagaon Harav Betzalel Rudinsky, one of the leading rabbis in the American Orthodox community.

Over the past three decades, Rav Rudinsky has established educational institutions in Monsey, NY, catering to thousands of students. This year, Rav Rudisnky is planning on recreating that successful model in Ramat Givat Zeev, starting with a Kollel for American yungerleit, to be opened already in the coming months, followed by a yeshivah. The arrival of Rav Rudinsky and his institutions are expected to make a powerful impact on the community, contributing to the Torah atmosphere.   

Ramat Givat Zeev is becoming an increasingly popular, sought-after neighborhood in Israel. Located approximately 20 minutes from the center of Jerusalem, it boasts an impressive standard of infrastructure and development. 

At the moment, the community numbers approximately 500 families and is constantly growing. In the last few months especially, demand has accelerated with dozens of units sold since the beginning of this month alone. Ramat Givat Zeev is unquestionably one of the most suitable locations for families of new olim who seek a “soft landing”as they find their place within this vibrant, dynamic community.

A senior sales representative will be in New York and available for meetings for 3 days only on September 21-23.

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