Reply To: The Empty Wagon – great book, but berating specific frum Jews is assur

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee The Empty Wagon – great book, but berating specific frum Jews is assur Reply To: The Empty Wagon – great book, but berating specific frum Jews is assur


Dear Hakatan,

1. The Avnei Nezer does not mention the oaths. It is an extremely broad response. This equals to an out an out statement that the oaths are a non-factor. The origin of applying the oaths, is a direct counter to the A”NZ. From it’s inception, invoking the oaths has been a radical view. You could skew the state any way you want. The fact is, almost nobody was talking about the oaths from Hertzl until the state was declared.

2. The Satmar Rav never defined what constitutes a State. To analyze it as halacha is laughable. Although he provides myriads of sources, very few of them are actual evidence. Most of the writing is responses to basic counterarguments.