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“The MSM picked up the story from the Atlantic.”

Other MSM confirmed that Goldberg is telling the truth.

Trump is the ultimate witness to the event and he lied even while trying to deny what he said: He claimed he called Melania in the US. Melania was on the trip with him.

Goldberg has credibility. Trump has none. He lies about absolutely everything.

“Can you imagine Obama requesting a news organization fire an employee ?”

Every one of the Trump cult here would be calling for Obama’s impeachment. They are all hypocrites.

“the MSM media has covered the Serbia-Kosovo deal”

It is all over the MSM. And it is unraveling; Serbia is now saying that it won’t move its embassy if Israel recognizes Kosovo. And the EU is threatening both.

This is more hypocrisy. I tried to get frum Jews here and elsewhere to help re-elect Eliot Engel, Kosovo’s #1 supporter in America. The response was deafening silence other than some objections to supporting any liberal. The Trump cult cares not about Israel but about other things.

“What difference is it that he disparaged McCain before he died ? It shows that he has no respect for an American war hero who suffered in a POW camp in North VN.”

He had disparaged McCain as early as 1999 — it is on video!

The Trump cult is a bunch of anti-American zealots who hate this country, its institutions, and its heroes. They are every bit as bad as the Antifa anarchists and the BLM Marxists. Except that they are worse because they have a lot of power and far more support. It is a chulul HaShem that some Jews are part of this cult.