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LAKEWOOD RABBONIM: No Schools Can Open Until Every Girl In Placed Into School

No Lakewood Mosdos will be allowed to open for the school year until every girl has a high school to go to. The decision to delay all school openings was made by the Roshei Yeshiva, Rabbonim and the Lakewood Vaad.

Schools were supposed to open this week – some on Wednesday.

No opening date was given to the parents.

A meeting of Askonim is scheduled for tonight as they work on placing every girl into a school.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

14 Responses

  1. im proud of the Lakewood rabonim this is how it should be in every town or city in the world all children deserve being in a school having friends etc no child’s blood is redder then another sadly if you have money or you come from a respected background you have no issue getting in but any regular guys who work hard to bring in a living or you are not called Mr balabatish have a problem lakewood Rabonim Ashriechem more children in school means more generations of toroh and mitzvos

  2. Does this have to happen every year??? Is this kavod haTorah? Kavod habriyos? Is this the way it should be in ir haTorah?? Have we learned nothing from covid ? NO tikunim? This is painful to read….

  3. Anon21; yes this is national news, as all the Kehillos all over the world should take notice.

    Having no school at the beginning of the school year is absolutely devastating, traumatising and demotivating to any child. But even before that; knowing that all the peers received their acceptance letter and he/she has been missed out is not much less painful.

    There should be a system that all parents apply to a vaad of Rabbonim, Askonim and school representatives stating 1st, 2nd and 3rd choice. The Vaad will then allocate a place to each child and no child should receive an acceptance letter before all applications have been resolved.

  4. ANON21:::
    its national news because the whole Torah world is suppose to follow those rules.
    if you asking such a question i am sure all your kids (if u have any) are placed in Yeshives or schools.
    Unfortunate 100″s of parents are soaking thru their pillow waiting for a Yeshia their kids should be accepted to a Moysed of Torah. Believe i know many parents who are waiting for that nightmare letter or phone call that theor child does NOT fit the schools prestige. Its a terrible tragedy what Klal Yisroel is experiencing with this critical issue.

  5. Terrible article. For those of us not in the Lakewood loop, please explain why every girl doesn’t have a place to begin with.

  6. A wonderful action on the part of our guides, leaders, and teachers, and the askonim. However, being proud of the Roshei Yeshiva, the Vaad HaChinuch, and perhaps even the askonim is uncalled for, indeed misplaced. They don’t need our pride. And if we disagreed with their advice or action, would that actually make their Daas Torah less worthy of us following their directive?

    On the other hand, some pride is called for. Pride in all those whose muskal rishon (or achron) is in line with our Einei HaEidah.

    But I have one suggestion. I am NOT suggesting that our leaders should have thought of this option. I am certain they did, but they realize that it likely would not work. I suggest they meet, NOT with the hanhalos of the schools or the people in charge of screening applicants, tuition, or scholarships. I wish they would be able to meet with the parent. Yes, the PARENTS. Not everyone can get accepted into the top, oldest, and most prestigious school. Often that school is not even the best choice.

    It seems to me that it is a bigger p’gam to place a child in the school she does not belong. Why would anyone want to be m’shadeich with a family who cares more about the looks of the Resume than they do about their daughter’s education, success, attachement to Yiddishkeit and the RB”Sh”O?

  7. Shmuli123 your dead wrong. That’s not what happens here in Lakewood. If your a regular working man that works hard to make a living you get into school. Don’t be מוציא לעז on a whole town. These girls that are not in a school yet each one has a story. Trust me

  8. Where were these rabbonim all year when a constructive solution should have been proposed?
    The elementary schools should be closed until they come up with a plan for providing high-schooling for their students
    They carry the primary responsibility , not the high schools

  9. Anon u have no idea what ur talkng about,many regular girls from regular families have no school as there are not enough schools for the tremendous growth its just impossible ajd completely dysfunctional.

  10. As of last week 75 girls were not in a school. It is absolutely NOT true that every one of these girls have a story. There are girls who simply had a preference of one school over another and were told to sit tight, hopefully we can work something out. Had they been told we can’t do anything for you six months ago they would likely have found another school. When the actual No doesn’t come until mid-summer, these girls are stuck. Anon21, you are the one who is dead wrong. You speak without a shred of knowledge.

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