Reply To: Jacob Blake

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Jacob Blake Reply To: Jacob Blake

Doing my best

yes we definitely need better training for police. For example I think they should all be trained in martial arts in order that they can actually hold down suspects without choking them. It shouldn’t need 4 cops to hold down one bad guy. If they would have been confident to tackle him before he got to the car, Blake would still be able to walk.
L’inyan the kids in the back, if it’s true that he was holding a knife i don’t think that he would have any problem holding a gun instead. I mean the guy was willing to fight with the cops in front of them so he couldn’t have been to worried about chinuch. Also, if it’s true that “During the 911 call one of the specific complaints was that this fellow took keys to a car which was not his to operate” then i don’t think the kids would mean anything.

Again as i said, my take on the story is that they thought he was going to get a gun from the car. Why they shot him more than 2-3 times, I don’t know. I suppose the cop panicked.